Mario History: Super Mario 3D World - 2013
Added: 14.09.2015 1:17 | 59 views | 0 comments
We have a fond story we like to recall about Super Mario 3D World in Nintendo Life HQ. It was E3 2013, Nintendo opted for a Nintendo Direct broadcast rather than a press briefing - this was before the first excellent 'Digital Event', remember - and there was a feeling of nervousness. Nintendo had basically already announced a few big games that would be shown, including a new '3D Mario'. Trouble was Nintendo was using the awful uStream during E3 - or Twitch was terrible at the time, one or the other - and we were watching in 240p despite having a connection speed to make most people weep in admiration. Super Mario 3D World then popped up.More in »
Tags: Nintendo, Mario, World, Street, Live, Super Mario, Digital, Direct, Nintendo Direct
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