Tearaway Unfolded Review | Analog Addiction
Added: 14.09.2015 9:17 | 38 views | 0 comments
Jamie Briggs, Analog Addiction. "When Tearaway released on PlayStation Vita in 2013, Analog Addiction fell in love. Not only did we call it the killer application for the Vita, but we also expressed how this is an experience that couldnt be replicated on any other platform. With that being said, Tearaway Unfolded brings an adaptation of the original release to the PlayStation 4. Though there are many similarities between each release, Tearaway Unfolded has been able to expand on the original in almost every way; though this isnt always for the better."More in n4g.com »
Tags: PlayStation, Vita, When, With, Review, PlayStation Vita, Though, James
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