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Shelter 2 - PC Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Added: 16.09.2015 8:17 | 26 views | 0 comments

Chalgyr's Game Room writes: To me, the mark of a great game it one that delivers a unique experience that stays with you. Theyre the ones that make you fall in love with the characters, dish out emotional trauma with their story lines, give you that arm hair raising moment of awe, or make you think. There are of course times where you just want to wreak utter havoc and destroy things in a blood soaked haze for a few hours without much thought as to why youre storming a creepy ruin waving a comically large meat poker; and there are some good games that give you that. However, the ones that truly stand out are the games that tug at your heart strings in some way. Shelter 2 doesnt just tug at the heart strings though; it gives them a good yank then plays them like a cello.

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Tags: Gain, There, Review, Roll

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