The Rising Tide of MMO Elitism
Added: 16.09.2015 14:17 | 62 views | 0 comments
Bit Cultures writes: I love MMOs. Ive been playing them for almost a decade. My first MMO was Final Fantasy XI, but since then Ive run the gamut. WoW, SWTOR, Warhammer Online, Guild Wars 2, Tera, Wildstar you name it, Ive played it. While some MMOs may do things better than others, I cant help but keep coming back to Warcraft. It may not be the best MMO in all regards, but its certainly my favorite. I love the game, I really do, but theres one thing about it that just makes me sick to my stomach: the elitist culture.More in »
Tags: Wake, Rising, Fantasy, Time, While, Guild, Final, Final Fantasy