How Should Free-to-Play MMOs Monetize their Games?
Added: 17.09.2015 9:17 | 23 views | 0 comments
When discussion is focused on a new free-to-play online rpg, the focus is usually on how the game will handle class balance, the nature of combat, and the stated desire that the game not be pay-to-win. In this era where f2p mmos dominate the landscape, it is necessary to remind players that online games need to generate a profit in order for them to exist. Long gone are the days where every player had a hand in the mmo revenue generated by subscription fees as most players now spend nothing on the games that they play every day. However, there are quite a number of ways that a game can raise revenue even though they're technically f2p. How should free-to-play mmos monetize their games?More in »
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