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PushStartPlay Review: Forza Motorsport 6 [XboxOne]

Added: 17.09.2015 16:17 | 34 views | 0 comments

Richard from PushStartPlay writes: When the Xbox One launched in 2013, Forza Motorsport 5 was one of its launch titles. Much like the console itself, the game also had a rocky start in the new era. While the gameplay in Forza 5 was as good as any other racer in my opinion at that time, its lack of content including cars and tracks made it suffer somewhat, which is really the backbone of any capable racer. I know looking back at my review score in which I scored Forza 5 an 8.5, in hindsight at that time, I had no new-gen racer to compare it to. But now weve seen an array of popular and well developed racers since that time, such as F1 2015, Project Cars and of course Forza Horizon 2. So now with the arrival of Forza Motorsport 6, I can look at this game more objectively in comparison and its fair to say, that this is the racing game that Xbox One owners have truly been waiting for.

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Tags: Play, When, Force, Cave, Xbox, While, Project, Xbox One

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