Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review | GameCloud
Added: 18.09.2015 11:17 | 26 views | 0 comments
Brendan Holben at GameCloud Australia writes:
"In a strange way, The Phantom Pain turns out to be quite an apt description for this game. Were profoundly aware theres something missing here, and its possible we wont be truly satisfied. There are a few glaring issues in The Phantom Pain that could have sunk it, but in the end the incredible sandbox gameplay is just too good to dismiss. The series has always been about bombastic plots and super-refined gameplay, so the sting here is that Kojimas swan song had to be compromised for the worse. Dont get me wrong: The Phantom Pain is a brilliant game Im just grieving what could have been."More in »
Tags: Paul, Gear, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Phantom Pain, There, Review, Down, Australia, Gear Solid, The Phantom, Clone
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