Metal Gear Online 3 Hands-On Preview (PSLS)
Added: 20.09.2015 9:17 | 17 views | 0 comments
"On the surface, its a third-person team deathmatch, but with the fine tuning Metal Gear has become known for, it becomes a lot more than that. Naturally, theres the basic idea that killing people who arent on your team is a good thing to do. Verily. If you find yourself in a tight spot without time to be tactical, yes, indeed, shoot the bad guys and hope you get em, because thats good for your team.
"But a kill puts a bounty on your head; it makes you worth more to the other team. Youll become a higher priority target, because if someone kills you, his/her team reaps greater reward. So that sounds like getting punished for being too awesome, right? But shut up, Im not done." -PSLSMore in »
Tags: Online, Gear, Metal, Metal Gear, Preview, Yours
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