Train Valley Review (GameWatcher)
Added: 21.09.2015 13:17 | 90 views | 0 comments
From GameWatcher: "Train Valley is the latest indie train simulator that has crossed my desk, and while Ive come to understand the joys of the simulator genre over the last several years with games like Banished and Cities: Skylines, for the longest time I didnt quite get what made these games so popular among their fans. What I came to realize once I started playing these games is that the most compelling aspects of the game begin with deep, interconnected mechanics that force players to make meaningful choices that result in significant consequences, for good and for ill. Unfortunately, in its current state Train Valley does not offer the varied gameplay or choices Ive come to expect from the genre, and while its rooted in a neat conceptbuilding railways throughout different historical eras and locationsthe games execution doesnt realize the full potential of the idea."More in »
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