Shin Megami Tensei IV (Nintendo 3DS) Review - JPS
Added: 15.07.2013 12:16 | 20 views | 0 comments
"The Shin Megami Tensei tiles have been one of Atlus most treasured series that up until now, the company continues to make games where fans always support them. Ever since Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne was released, many fans have been asking when will the fourth game in the SMT series be out? Ten years following the release of Nocturne, Atlus finally decided to bring the fourth game in the series that I must say, lives up to the tradition of the Shin Megami Tensei titles that fans have played. For newcomers to the SMT franchise, dont think this game as a Persona title as its somewhat different." - JPSMore in »
Tags: Evil, Nintendo, Review, Shop, The Show, Megami, Megami Tensei, Tensei, Shin Megami, Persona
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