Darkstalkers Resurrection Review | GameRevolution
Added: 18.03.2013 16:18 | 25 views | 0 comments
Darkstalkers is a really underappreciated series. Sure, it's getting some of its due in this re-release of Night Warriors and DS3 at the moment, and that's great, but there's something special about this series that's been lost over the years. And the reason for that is because many of the characters have transferred into other games. The crossover from the Darkstalkers universe into many of Capcom's other, more prominent fighting gameslike Puzzle Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom, to name a fewhas left enough gamers wondering where so many of these characters came from, a la the mass exodus from SNK's titles to the King of Fighters franchise.More in n4g.com »
Tags: Darkstalkers, Review, Kids, Fighter, Warriors, Resurrection, Darkstalkers Resurrection, Marvel, Night
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