Starting from Scratch: Building Forza 5s New Car Roster | IGN
Added: 30.10.2013 15:17 | 8 views | 0 comments
Why Turn 10s philosophy begins with your three most important cars.
Weve said theres three important cars in the game to every player; the first car you ever owned, the car you drive right now, and the car you hope to own someday, says Turn 10 content director John Wendl, while weaving a Hazard Yellow HSV GTS through The Esses in Forza Motorsport 5s newly-added Mount Panorama circuit. And thats different for everybody, obviously, so weve trying to find that right blend for the most people in the world, so that were going to have those three cars in there for them.More in »
Tags: Force, John, Mouse
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