Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Review | StickSkills
Added: 17.04.2013 15:18 | 22 views | 0 comments
StickSkills said, "Shin Megami Tensei: Devl Summoner: Soul Hackers for the Nintendo 3DS is a remake of a 1997 Saturn game of the same name (though only released in Japan). Newcomers to the MegaTen series will approach Soul Hackers with cautious hopefulness, having heard so many great things about the series and its developer, Atlus, but wondering if a 1997 game still holds up to todays standards. What they will find in Soul Hackers is a JRPG like many others, but one that offers quite likeable (and fully voice-acted) characters, a wide array of demons (think Pokemon), and gameplay that walks a thin line between fun and tedious."More in »
Tags: Dead, Nintendo, When, Review, Shop, Devil, Nintendo 3DS, Megami, Megami Tensei, Tensei, Shin Megami, Soul, Hackers, Soul Hackers
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