Toukiden: The Age of Demons Review-JustPushStart
Added: 12.02.2014 0:15 | 15 views | 0 comments
JPS Writes: "One of the frustrations every PlayStation fan has is the fact that they may never see a new Monster Hunter game exclusive to their platform. While Capcom has mostly made ties with Nintendo for the main entry of the Monster Hunter series, many fans who played several games on their PSP and PS2 will be disappointed as Monster Hunter 3 and 4 might never see a release on the PS Vita or PS4. While that maybe true, there are developers out there looking to bring the monster-slaying genre to the PlayStation platform like Soul Sacrifice and Tecmo KOEIs Toukiden: The Age of Demons."More in »
Tags: Capcom, Nintendo, PlayStation, Vita, While, Hunter, Monster, Monster Hunter, Soul, Sacrifice, Soul Sacrifice
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