Outlast Survival Tips
Added: 14.02.2014 8:15 | 7 views | 0 comments
JPS Writes: "Its all in the name. Outlast tasks you with surviving the Variants in Mount Massive Asylum with few resources and no offensive abilities. Thats right, youre completely helpless and at the mercy of the blade-wielding psychopaths patrolling the halls. Given that the games protagonist, Miles Upshur, refuses to pick up anything that can be re-purposed as a blunt weapon I guess Red Barrels didnt feel like making the follow-up to Condemned 2: Bloodshot its up to the player to outsmart and outrun the hostile forces within the asylums walls. The following are a few quick tips to prepare the new PS4 players for the horrific situations theyll find themselves in after starting the game."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Survival, Mouse
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