A Divinity: Original Sin Marriage Proposal
Added: 16.02.2014 0:15 | 10 views | 0 comments
GeekParty's Shelby Reiches writes: "The videogame marriage proposal is very much a thing, these days. It started with mods, enterprising young individuals hacking classics like Chrono Trigger or enlisting the Fallout 3 community in pursuit of a custom proposal scenario. Eventually, though, the practice evolved to the point where developers started to get involved. My favorite is the in-depth proposal constructed by Gearbox Software for a pair of avid Borderlands fans (the lucky ladys reaction can be seen here). However, a more recent effort by PopCapthe Peggle 2 devson behalf of lovebirds Rob and Shireen, certainly has the market cornered on heart-warming."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Software, Borderlands, Gearbox, Gearbox Software
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