Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze | Review - AWESOMEoutof10
Added: 02.03.2014 22:15 | 19 views | 0 comments
AWESOMEoutof10's Darik Kirschman goes bananas with the release of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. No, it's not a new Slurpee from 7-Eleven. "The mark of an exceptional platformer is when the player loses him or herself in the action on screen. Things happening on screen had a natural flow and rhythm to them; I wasnt so much controlling Donkey Kong and his buddies as simply guiding them along the path they were inevitably heading down well, after a few dozen deaths caused by my hand anyway. That trance, where nothing else matters, but the player and the game, is hard to manufacture. Rare may have once been the King of Kong (aside from Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell), but after two games, Retro Studios have proven themselves to be top banana."More in »
Tags: Studios, Steve, Kong, Donkey Kong, Donkey, Review, Kids, Rage, Billy, Retro
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