Ranking the Microsoft-Exclusive Franchises
Added: 14.03.2014 3:15 | 13 views | 0 comments
Josh Hinke from Explosion writes:" With this weeks release of Titanfall on the Xbox One, Microsoft establishes a strong new franchise to pioneer the way for their next-gen software. While PC-users will also have a chance to play Titanfall, Sony and Nintendo users will have to enviously look on while playing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze or awaiting the release of the highly-anticipated Infamous: Second Son.
This isnt the first time Microsoft has scored a big exclusive. Heres a list of the best exclusives for the Microsoft consoles. Franchises are ranked on numbers of titles, quality of titles, exclusivity of the franchise, and association with the Xbox brand."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Nintendo, Kong, Donkey Kong, Donkey, With, Xbox, While, Second, John, Microsoft, Soul
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