Onechanbara Z2: Chaos E3 2015 Trailer
Added: 25.06.2015 14:36 | 7 views | 0 comments
Onechanbara Z2: Chaos is the latest iteration in the Onechanbara series featuring the worlds sexiest zombie slayers. With two sets of buxom vampire sisters at the players disposal, over a dozen stages of high-octane real-time swordplay await, each characterized by the hordes of zombies infesting the land and the over-the-top methods our heroes employ to kill them. Fight off the invasion in gruesome detail, sending limbs and blood flying every which way through a variety of physical attacks and acrobatic maneuvers, occasionally transforming into a demon for short bursts of added power and speed at the cost of life energy. Each of the four members of the so-called bikini zombie squad has her own unique abilities, and skillful play is rewarded with orbs that can be exchanged for upgraded weapons and outfits.More in »
Tags: Fight, Easy, With, Chart
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