Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence
Added: 07.08.2015 18:44 | 14 views | 0 comments
Coming to PS4, PS3 and PC (via Steam) on September 4, 2015.
Set against a backdrop of a fragmented nation the player takes up the mantle of a Daimyo, a feudal lord of the Sengoku era (15th- 16th century Japan), who will fight for the great ideal of uniting the war-ridden country under one rule, and becoming the Shogun. As Nobunagas Ambition: Sphere of influence is both a full scale historical simulation and a bona fide strategy title, it is up to the player to choose to go through the game either as a historical personality or a uniquely edited character, and so shape the world as they please.More in »
Tags: Coming, September
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