WWE 2K16: Developer Comments on XB1 Pre-Orders, Potential Divas DLC, Banned Creations More
Added: 21.09.2015 15:19 | 154 views | 0 comments
Chris Mawson writes: "After the disappointing news that four of the WWEs brightest female stars have not made the cut for WWE 2K16s roster, the wrestling sims publisher has been left to field many questions from infuriated fans over the weekend."
| Skylanders SuperChargers (Wii U) Review | NWR
Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 109 views | 0 comments
Vehicles add a nice twist to the Skylanders formula, which shows off even more refinement and polish in SuperChargers.
With every passing year that the Skylanders series continues, there seems to be a palpable fear that the gimmick for the next game will be the straw that breaks the camels back. After seeing the initial reveal of SuperChargers earlier this year, I feared that vehicles would be that final straw, as the land, sea, and air vehicles just added superfluous content to the typical Skylanders Diablo-lite gameplay. But after playing through SuperChargers, I think I missed the point initially. What this new Vicarious Visions-developed Wii U game does so right is variety. Skylanders is no longer just a quality toys-to-life brawler. Its also a kart racer, a flight sim, a car combat game, a Pixar-inspired story, and a Magic the Gathering-inspired card game. SuperChargers has such a wide breadth of content, and everything is executed beautifully.
| TGS 2015 - Phoenix Wirght: Ace Attorney 6 (3DS) Hands-on | NWR
Added: 21.09.2015 9:17 | 98 views | 0 comments
Capcom certainly doesnt object to having a new Ace Attorney at TGS this year.
Gyakuten Saiban, or Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney as it is known in the West, has been around for quite a long time and has made many appearances at the Tokyo Game Show throughout the years. This year, Capcom is making a return to form by showcasing the latest entry in the series, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 6, with a playable demo on the show floor. To be perfectly honest, having never played a game in the series before, I was a bit apprehensive to tackle a demo of the game in such an environment. After entering the elaborately decorated booth and getting a brief hands-on, I left surprised by what I saw.
| First FIFA 16 Review (Xbox One) - ThisGenGaming
Added: 20.09.2015 21:17 | 110 views | 0 comments
ThisGenGaming says "After the extremely successful release for the other Football game on the market (Pro Evo 2016), its now FIFAs turn to give the Football crowd their version of what they think a Football simulator should be like. FIFAs biggest addition this year, and most hyped up addition was the inclusion of womens teams to the game which we will talk about in more detail later in the review. Firstly, there are a number of other new features in the game that we should cover."
| Review: Until Dawn - Next-Gen Silly Scares - The Games Cabin
Added: 20.09.2015 14:17 | 91 views | 0 comments
When all is said and done, Until Dawn is not just full of surprises and shocks, but it itself is a bit of a surprise. After watching trailers for the game it's all too easy to judge, but it's not until you actually lay hands on Supermassive's creation and let yourself get drawn into the world that you actually appreciate how bloody scary it is, and most importantly - fun. But scary. But fun.
| Konami May Not Be Exiting The Triple-A Development Scene After All
Added: 20.09.2015 5:17 | 88 views | 0 comments
Rumors have been circulating over the past few days claiming that Konami has ceased production on all triple-A titles besides Pro Evolution Soccer and that the company was exiting the console market altogether. That, however, appears not to be the case now.
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