TotalBiscuit Flip Flops On Pro-Gamergate After a Year of Anti-Journalism and Transphobic Remarks
Added: 22.08.2015 19:40 | 58 views | 0 comments

In August of last year GamerGate blew up into a spectacle of disagreement. Gamers who have been historically known for being unified were divided into two opposing groups, those labeled pro-GamerGate and the anti-GamerGate. Although it seemed as simple as gaming journalists vs gamers, it wasn't so simple. Many gaming journalists stood their ground, arguing that they represent gamers everywhere, unpersuaded by the unspoken luxuries gifted by publishers. They would be joined by the few gamers who felt that gaming journalism isn't as corrupt as it's said to be.
| Wii U: What's In A Name?
Added: 22.08.2015 14:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
After a Nintendo localiser defended the naming of the console, James Pettegrow discusses why the Wii U hasn't done very well.
| Cities Skylines: After Dark Dated
Added: 22.08.2015 11:19 | 50 views | 0 comments
Night time is fun time
| Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta 12 Things You Need To Know
Added: 22.08.2015 9:18 | 7 views | 0 comments
Pre-ordering Call of Duty: Black Ops III grants players access to the games multiplayer beta, the franchises first since 2008s World at War. After all, does a game as ridiculously popular as CoD really need such a wide-open beta (considering that every pre-order is given two extra beta codes to give to their buddies)?
Even so, its always fun to see how the next CoD game is shaping up, and though Black Ops III doesnt seem to be a mold-breaker for the series, it retains the same fiendishly addictive twitch shooter gameplay that has kept the franchise so absurdly popular over the years, while introducing a number of welcome refinements.
| Its Easier Than Ever To Start Making Games, So Don't Be Afraid To Try
Added: 22.08.2015 8:18 | 11 views | 0 comments
In the summer after third grade, I enrolled in a class called "How To Make Video Games." After a month of work, I hacked together one minute of original content. My game starred a tiger (an orange square) as he dodged waves (four blue rectangles) in a swamp (green background). With a severe lack of funding and almost no programming skill, I figured game development was out of my reach. After all, I could barely use Visual Basic (the software we used) let alone afford it. I continued to feel like game design was beyond my bounds until a few weeks ago, when Humble Bundle offered almost $2,000 worth of game-making software for a name-your-price discount.
| August 2015 PSN Flash Sale Is Live, Heres All the Deals
Added: 22.08.2015 5:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
After getting leaked earlier this week, the August 2015 PSN Flash Sale is now live in the North American PlayStation Store, offering deals on a wide variety of PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation Portable games.
| Is the Dualshock 4 the Best Control Pad ever made?
Added: 21.08.2015 22:18 | 2 views | 0 comments
PS4Home: "After all, theres nothing else around the comes close to the Dualshock 4."
| August 2015 PSN Flash Sale Is Live, Heres All the Deals
Added: 21.08.2015 21:18 | 14 views | 0 comments
After getting leaked earlier this week, the August 2015 PSN Flash Sale is now live in the North American PlayStation Store, offering deals on a wide variety of PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation Portable games.
| August 2015 PSN Flash Sale Is Live, Heres All the Deals
Added: 21.08.2015 21:18 | 6 views | 0 comments
After getting leaked earlier this week, the August 2015 PSN Flash Sale is now live in the North American PlayStation Store, offering deals on a wide variety of PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation Portable games.
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