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Tales from the Borderlands "Zer0 Sum" (Lifted Geek - REVIEWS)

Added: 05.01.2015 13:11 | 4 views | 0 comments

After the breakout success of two seasons of The Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us, Telltale Games takes their episodic point-and-click format to the world of Pandora. Admittedly, I was incredibly skeptical how a game that is essentially a first person loot based shooter could translate to the narrative driven format of Telltales games...


Amazon Sunday deals feature PS4 first-party games, Telltale and more

Added: 05.01.2015 0:11 | 5 views | 0 comments

The latest deals from Amazon include inFamous: Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall, MLB 14: The Show, The Walking Dead: Season 2 (disc) and The Wolf Among Us (disc) being discounted to $19.99. DriveClub and LittleBigPlanet 3 were also dropped to $39.99.


Life is Strange System Requirements and Release Date

Added: 03.01.2015 20:11 | 6 views | 0 comments

Life is Strange is an upcoming game being made by Square Enix and Remember Me developers named Dontnod Entertainment. This game looks very good, its story is based on different episodes, like The Walking Dead The Wolf Among Us series. This game is powered by Unreal Engine 3. This game is available for pre-order on Steam for $4.99.


Lucky Hit Challenge with Shenmue III Kickstarter Simulator to celebrate Shenmue's 15th Anniversary

Added: 30.12.2014 10:10 | 6 views | 0 comments

On Monday, December 29 legendary Shenmue series of Yu Suzuki is getting 15 years old. [In this occasion] group of loyal fans with knowledge of programming and game design, some time ago teamed Nagai Industries, has created a remake of the famous mini-games Lucky Hit of Shenmue II. Everyone can evaluate the project by clicking on this address. The project is made on the basis of Unity game engine with one simple goal: to attract more attention to the gaming community for the anniversary of the franchise, as well as to ongoing social media campaign #SaveShenmue. By posting messages with this hashtag, Shenmue fans leave a message in net, and help Suzuki-san in finding sources of funding to continue. Virtual (fake) money, won in playing Lucky Hit Challenge, you can spend on the virtual Shenmue III Kickstarter campaign, the desired amount of which is $ 25 million. Among all the fans held a competition on the leaderboards for the biggest donation amount. About you can tweet with all...


Go Go Nippon 2015 Version Will Have New Sights And Story Events

Added: 25.12.2014 13:11 | 4 views | 0 comments

Among these attractions will be the Tokyo SkyTree and the Comic Market.


GameEnthus Podcast ep211: Cards Against Memory or GOTY 2014

Added: 24.12.2014 15:11 | 30 views | 0 comments

This week Marcus(@MajorLinux) from The Off The Rails Show stops by GameEnthus HQ to talk with Tiny(@Tiny415), Mike(@AssaultSuit) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) about: Far Cry 4, Sniper Elite, Freedom Wars, Shadows of Mordor, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Forza Horizon 2, Pokemon, Uncharted Golden Abyss, South Park Stick of Truth, Shovel Knight, Call of Duty Advanced Warefare, BasketBelle, Metro Redux, Xeodrifter, Kalimba, Steel Empire, Stealth Inc. 2, Juju, #IDARB, Halo 5 beta, Boss!, The Wolf Among US, Diablo 3, Disney Infinity 2.0, Dance Central Spotlight, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Luftrausers, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Bravely Default, Theatrhythm, Infamous Second Son, The Last of us Remastered, Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, The Banner Saga, 2048, Hearthstone, Shadowrun, Dragon Age Inquisition, Strider, Gang Beasts, Road Redemption, Hyrune Warriors, Metrico, Rayman Legends, Peggle 2, Assassins Creed: Freedom Cry, Towerfall Ascension, Killer Instinct, Smash Bros...


Tales from the Borderlands Review (Invision Game Community)

Added: 24.12.2014 15:11 | 12 views | 0 comments

Tales from the Borderlands is another game developed by Telltale Games in their line of Episode Point-and-click adventure games, following in the steps of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us.With the companies rise to popularity of late they have taken upon themselves to create several different games within the same time span, with a Minecraft Telltale game being announced just recently people have seen a link to this and the quality of rushed products


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