Last Minute Holiday Deals: Save $70 on a PS4, Xbox One With a $50 Gift Card, Dirt Cheap PC Games
Added: 23.12.2014 19:32 | 4 views | 0 comments
Plus a Wii U from Target with a $20 gift card, The Wolf Among Us for $20, and Advanced Warfare for $40.
Tags: Among, Warfare, Dirt, Play, Says, With, Xbox, Last, Wolf, Give, Chevy, Xbox One
| Telltale Games Collection Bundles Five Adventures on Xbox One
Added: 23.12.2014 17:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Adventure game developer Telltale Games has released a collection for Xbox One owners that bundles all five of its latest adventure games and offers it up in one handy package.
It's aptly called the Telltale Games Collection and includes the first two seasons of The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones, and Tales From the Borderlands. Those who are Xbox Live Gold subscribers can pick up this pack for just $55. Considering all the content included in this collection, that's one heck of a deal.
Tags: Gods, Among, Games, Gain, Walking, The Walking, Xbox, Live, Xbox Live, Fire, Wolf, Tales, Collection, Adventure, Telltale, Adventures, Xbox One
| PC Review - 'Game of Thrones: Episode 1 - Iron From Ice' - Worthplaying
Added: 23.12.2014 4:14 | 10 views | 0 comments
"Telltale Games' first batch of licensed adventure games was entertaining but relatively light in content. No one would accuse Tales from Monkey Island or Sam Max of being too short or having nothing to do, but the subject matter was always more humorous than anything else. That perception changed almost overnight with The Walking Dead, a game series that showed how capable the team is in merging adventure mechanics with a gut-wrenching story. The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead: Season 2 proved the developer's ability to take on serious material. The latest endeavor is the most anticipated yet, and if the opening episode of Game of Thrones is any indication, this will be a ride that fans will want to take."
Tags: Among, Gain, Walking, The Walking, Island, Review, Episode, Wolf, Tales, Telltale, Iron
| 3 Amazing 2014 Game Features that Need to Be Reused
Added: 23.12.2014 1:12 | 1 views | 0 comments
Twinfinite says: "Among many great games released in 2014, there are some that included amazing and innovative features, which should be used in future games."
| Best of 2014 Awards: Ryan's Editor's Choice
Added: 23.12.2014 1:00 | 33 views | 0 comments

Winner: The Wolf Among Us
When the surprise hit for Telltale Games, last year's The Walking Dead: Season One, took off, people wondered if it would be the first and last we heard from the studio (despite successes with the Sam & Max revival and Poker Night at the Inventory). To answer doubts, Telltale introduced the gamersphere to a big bad wolf that huffed and puffed and blew our socks off.
| 3 Amazing 2014 Game Features that Need to Be Reused
Added: 22.12.2014 23:11 | 1 views | 0 comments
Twinfinite says: "Among many great games released in 2014, there are some that included amazing and innovative features, which should be used in future games."
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