Amazon Black Friday Lightning Deal for 11/26: Save $150 When You Buy the PlayStation 4 + Astro
Added: 26.11.2014 14:11 | 12 views | 0 comments
"Today Amazon Lightning Deals include PlayStation 4 Destiny Bundle, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, LEGO: Marvel Videogame, Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition and more"
Tags: Gods, Among, Gods Among, Dead, PlayStation, Says, When, Black, Shadow, Ultimate, Deals, Destiny, Today, Amazon, Marvel
| Tales from the Borderlands Episode 1 Walkthrough
Added: 26.11.2014 11:11 | 6 views | 0 comments
GameSmoke: Tales from the Borderlands has started from Episode 1 as contain total five episodes. The game is being created from the creators of The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead video game series. Tales from the Borderlands set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, this is a story full of Borderlands trademark humor, following two adventurers on their quest for greatness.
| Tales From The Borderlands Premiere Review: Telltales Most Thrilling Game Series Yet? | GameNGuide
Added: 26.11.2014 7:15 | 3 views | 0 comments
The Walking Dead? The Wolf Among Us? With a single episode, Tales From The Borderlands shows that it has the potential to be the best Telltale series released this year.
Tags: Among, Gain, Walking, The Walking, With, Borderlands, Series, Wolf, Tales, Most, Telltale
| Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 1 review Zer0 Sum - Metro
Added: 26.11.2014 7:11 | 7 views | 0 comments
"The makers of The Walking Dead return to their comedy roots, with a companion series to Gearboxs Borderlands.
Its two years now since Telltale Games won so many game of the year awards for The Walking Dead. They didnt get one from us but it was certainly a milestone release for the company, and a great example of (semi-)interactive storytelling. But theyve struggled to follow up on that success, with a disappointing second season and the enjoyable but flawed The Wolf Among Us. Tales From The Borderlands is the best thing theyve done in years though, at least judging by this first episode."
Tags: Among, Dead, Games, Walking, Walking Dead, The Walking, Borderlands, Episode, Wolf, Tales, Zero, Telltale
| Tales From The Borderlands Premiere Review: Telltales Most Thrilling Game Series Yet? | GameNGuide
Added: 26.11.2014 6:11 | 3 views | 0 comments
The Walking Dead? The Wolf Among Us? With a single episode, Tales From The Borderlands shows that it has the potential to be the best Telltale series released this year.
Tags: Among, Gain, Walking, The Walking, With, Borderlands, Series, Wolf, Tales, Most, Telltale
| The Wolf Among Us Review (Xbox One/PS4) - CramG
Added: 25.11.2014 20:12 | 1 views | 0 comments
A review of Telltale Games' Fabled inspired point and click episodic adventure game The Wolf Among Us which sees an Xbox One and PS4 release to join the other platforms it is available on.
| Microsoft Reveals Xbox One/360 Pre-Black Friday Game Deals
Added: 25.11.2014 17:14 | 15 views | 0 comments
- $5Injustice: Gods Among Us - $5Jeremy McGrath's Offroad - $3.30Just Cause 2 - $4.94Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - $3LA Noire - $7.50Magic 2015 - $5Max Payne 3 - $5Rockstar Pass (Max Payne 3) - $5Midnight Club LA - $3.74Mirror's Edge - $3Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - $3Persona 4 Arena - $15Prototype 2 - $10Red Dead Redemption - $7.50Skate - $3Skate 2- $3Skate 3 - $4Sniper Elite III - $24SoulCalibur V - $3.74State of Decay - $6.60The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - $15The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - $10Titanfall: Season Pass - $6.24Trials Fusion - $10Ultra Street Fighter IV - $10Valiant Hearts: The Great War - $7.50Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email
Tags: Gods, Among, Gods Among, Green, Dead, Paul, Gain, Street, Sniper, Black, Jump, Xbox, Staff, Elite, Sniper Elite, Microsoft, Arena, Fighter, Street Fighter, Magic, Scrolls, Elder, Elder Scrolls, The Elder, Skyrim, Trials, Edge, Club, Rockstar, Persona, Decay
| Microsoft Reveals Xbox One/360 Pre-Black Friday Game Deals
Added: 25.11.2014 17:14 | 2 views | 0 comments
- $5Injustice: Gods Among Us - $5Jeremy McGrath's Offroad - $3.30Just Cause 2 - $4.94Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - $3LA Noire - $7.50Magic 2015 - $5Max Payne 3 - $5Rockstar Pass (Max Payne 3) - $5Midnight Club LA - $3.74Mirror's Edge - $3Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - $3Persona 4 Arena - $15Prototype 2 - $10Red Dead Redemption - $7.50Skate - $3Skate 2- $3Skate 3 - $4Sniper Elite III - $24SoulCalibur V - $3.74State of Decay - $6.60The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - $15The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - $10Titanfall: Season Pass - $6.24Trials Fusion - $10Ultra Street Fighter IV - $10Valiant Hearts: The Great War - $7.50Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email
Tags: Gods, Among, Gods Among, Green, Dead, Paul, Gain, Street, Sniper, Black, Jump, Xbox, Staff, Elite, Sniper Elite, Microsoft, Arena, Fighter, Street Fighter, Magic, Scrolls, Elder, Elder Scrolls, The Elder, Skyrim, Trials, Edge, Club, Rockstar, Persona, Decay
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