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This New Diablo 3 Item Lets You Reforge Legendaries or Extract Their Powers

Added: 28.07.2015 22:00 | 18 views | 0 comments

Among the additions in the upcoming 2.3.0 patch for .

From: www.gamespot.com

Video Game Weekend Deals 07/26 Update from Amazon and others (US)

Added: 26.07.2015 23:19 | 25 views | 0 comments

Notable new discounts this weekend on Amazon are Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) for $26.00, Skyrim Legendary Edition (PS3/X360) for $19.99, Resident Evil 2 Revelations (PS4/XBO) for $27.99, and Uncharted Golden Abyss (PS Vita) for $12.99. The humble Jumbo bundle is still going on, with $171 worth of game for the price of your choice. On Steam, the weekend deal is up to 75% off the Tropico franchise. On the NA PSN, the Quakecon sale is a discount on select Bethesday games and DLC, including The elder scrolls online. Additionally this weekend, Best buy are having a video games sale. Among the games discounted are Destiny and Far cry 4. PS4 owners might want to snatch a SmaAcc charger station for Dualshock 4, at $13.99. If you're into preorders, and happen to be a Prime member on Amazon (you can get a 30 days free trial here), Fallout 4 (PS4/XBO/PC) and Mario Maker (Wii U) are discounted for you, respectively at $52.99 (12 % off) and $49.99 (17% off). Still on the topic of Preord...

From: n4g.com

Uncharted 3s plane scene involved a stuntman throwing Nolan North around a set

Added: 26.07.2015 21:21 | 17 views | 0 comments

TheGamedia: Regarding catching up Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, apparently one of the best recreations ever constructed, designer Naughty Dog had its work remove (recently like it has one year from now when Uncharted 4: A Thiefs Endarrives). How would you exceed that opening train scene for begin? All things considered, you toss driving fortune seeker Nathan Drake out of a plane and request that he climb, shoot and one-liner is path back to wellbeing, obviously! In the most recent issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, Drake voice/mo-top performer Nolan North depicts what it was similar to reproduce the middle bit of Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception regardless of the fact that it did mean being tossed around a green-screened studio by a stand-in.

From: n4g.com

Video Game Weekend Deals 07/26 Update from Amazon and others (US)

Added: 26.07.2015 20:22 | 17 views | 0 comments

Notable new discounts this weekend on Amazon are Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) for $26.00, Skyrim Legendary Edition (PS3/X360) for $19.99, Resident Evil 2 Revelations (PS4/XBO) for $27.99, and Uncharted Golden Abyss (PS Vita) for $12.99. The humble Jumbo bundle is still going on, with $171 worth of game for the price of your choice. On Steam, the weekend deal is up to 75% off the Tropico franchise. On the NA PSN, the Quakecon sale is a discount on select Bethesday games and DLC, including The elder scrolls online. Additionally this weekend, Best buy are having a video games sale. Among the games discounted are Destiny and Far cry 4. PS4 owners might want to snatch a SmaAcc charger station for Dualshock 4, at $13.99. If you're into preorders, and happen to be a Prime member on Amazon (you can get a 30 days free trial here), Fallout 4 (PS4/XBO/PC) and Mario Maker (Wii U) are discounted for you, respectively at $52.99 (12 % off) and $49.99 (17% off). Still on the topic of Preord...

From: n4g.com

Uncharted 3s plane scene involved a stuntman throwing Nolan North around a set

Added: 26.07.2015 19:21 | 6 views | 0 comments

TheGamedia: Regarding catching up Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, apparently one of the best recreations ever constructed, designer Naughty Dog had its work remove (recently like it has one year from now when Uncharted 4: A Thiefs Endarrives). How would you exceed that opening train scene for begin? All things considered, you toss driving fortune seeker Nathan Drake out of a plane and request that he climb, shoot and one-liner is path back to wellbeing, obviously! In the most recent issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, Drake voice/mo-top performer Nolan North depicts what it was similar to reproduce the middle bit of Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception regardless of the fact that it did mean being tossed around a green-screened studio by a stand-in.

From: n4g.com

Video Game Weekend Deals 07/26 Update from Amazon and others (US)

Added: 26.07.2015 18:19 | 13 views | 0 comments

Notable new discounts this weekend on Amazon are Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) for $26.00, Skyrim Legendary Edition (PS3/X360) for $19.99, Resident Evil 2 Revelations (PS4/XBO) for $27.99, and Uncharted Golden Abyss (PS Vita) for $12.99. The humble Jumbo bundle is still going on, with $171 worth of game for the price of your choice. On Steam, the weekend deal is up to 75% off the Tropico franchise. On the NA PSN, the Quakecon sale is a discount on select Bethesday games and DLC, including The elder scrolls online. Additionally this weekend, Best buy are having a video games sale. Among the games discounted are Destiny and Far cry 4. PS4 owners might want to snatch a SmaAcc charger station for Dualshock 4, at $13.99. If you're into preorders, and happen to be a Prime member on Amazon (you can get a 30 days free trial here), Fallout 4 (PS4/XBO/PC) and Mario Maker (Wii U) are discounted for you, respectively at $52.99 (12 % off) and $49.99 (17% off). Still on the topic of Preord...

From: n4g.com

Uncharted 3s plane scene involved a stuntman throwing Nolan North around a set

Added: 26.07.2015 17:19 | 8 views | 0 comments

TheGamedia: Regarding catching up Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, apparently one of the best recreations ever constructed, designer Naughty Dog had its work remove (recently like it has one year from now when Uncharted 4: A Thiefs Endarrives). How would you exceed that opening train scene for begin? All things considered, you toss driving fortune seeker Nathan Drake out of a plane and request that he climb, shoot and one-liner is path back to wellbeing, obviously! In the most recent issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, Drake voice/mo-top performer Nolan North depicts what it was similar to reproduce the middle bit of Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception regardless of the fact that it did mean being tossed around a green-screened studio by a stand-in.

From: n4g.com

Uncharted 3s plane scene involved a stuntman throwing Nolan North around a set

Added: 26.07.2015 16:19 | 6 views | 0 comments

TheGamedia: Regarding catching up Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, apparently one of the best recreations ever constructed, designer Naughty Dog had its work remove (recently like it has one year from now when Uncharted 4: A Thiefs Endarrives). How would you exceed that opening train scene for begin? All things considered, you toss driving fortune seeker Nathan Drake out of a plane and request that he climb, shoot and one-liner is path back to wellbeing, obviously! In the most recent issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, Drake voice/mo-top performer Nolan North depicts what it was similar to reproduce the middle bit of Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception regardless of the fact that it did mean being tossed around a green-screened studio by a stand-in.

From: n4g.com

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