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Half-Life Meets Hotline Miami in This Fan Game Mashup

Added: 20.06.2015 14:39 | 5 views | 0 comments

Another E3 ended this week without Valve making even the tiniest peep about the long-awaited Half-Life 3. Soon, however, you'll be able to take Gordon Freeman on a new adventure of a different kind.

Dutch Developer Thomas Kole is working on a small game he calls Halfline Miami, which mashes up the legendary first-person shooter .


Should We Be Worried About Devil's Third?

Added: 20.06.2015 9:15 | 14 views | 0 comments

Justin from Controller Crusade writes: "Another E3 has come and again, and games both near and far have been showcased to journalists and the world at large. Of particular note is Nintendo, who made some waves with what they did (or didn't) show in their annual digital Event. Despite the seemingly light load of games featured in the Digital Event, Nintendo's E3 booth actually had plenty to play across both the Wii U and 3DS. However, their is one game that was conspicuously absent during the Digital Event and wasn't even mentioned on the show floor. This game is releasing this year in Europe and Japan, yet we had no trace of it at E3. I'm talking, of course, about Devil's Third."


E3 2015: The Fans Have Spoken

Added: 20.06.2015 0:16 | 12 views | 0 comments

PS Blog: Another E3 winds to a close! And truth be told, it was a memorable show: We got a long-awaited peek at The Last Guardian, first details on Guerrilla Games new Horizon Zero Dawn, thunderous announcements in the form of Final Fantasy VII Remake and Shenmue III, a jaw-dropping new gameplay sequence from Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End, PlayStation becoming the new home of Call of Duty starting with Black Ops III, a new adventure in Destiny with The Taken King, big updates on Project Morpheus with games like RIGS Mechanized Combat League and SuperHyperCube, and hey even a fancy new PS4 Media Player that supports a wide range of video, audio, and image formats.


E3 2015: The Fans Have Spoken

Added: 19.06.2015 20:13 | 17 views | 0 comments

Another E3 winds to a close! And truth be told, it was a memorable show: We got a long-awaited peek at that supports a wide range of video, audio, and image formats. Whether you experienced the press conference from one of , or were lucky enough to hit the show floor, thanks again for offering your support, feedback, and questions on another big E3 adventure.

Tags: Hack, Another, Fate

PES 2016 Preview - Even Better Than Last Year | GodisaGeek

Added: 19.06.2015 11:19 | 6 views | 0 comments

Mike Stubbs: "Another detail that seems incredibly small but is in fact a big deal, is the new stumble animations. Instead of instantly losing the ball and that player being out of the game for a few seconds when they stumble they can now recover, and keep going in ways that seem incredibly natural. When playing as Juventus, Tevez was knocked around on multiple occasions when running against a defender, but usually managed to keep going after the stumble, prolonging the attack."


PES 2016 Preview - Even Better Than Last Year | GodisaGeek

Added: 19.06.2015 7:16 | 2 views | 0 comments

Mike Stubbs: "Another detail that seems incredibly small but is in fact a big deal, is the new stumble animations. Instead of instantly losing the ball and that player being out of the game for a few seconds when they stumble they can now recover, and keep going in ways that seem incredibly natural. When playing as Juventus, Tevez was knocked around on multiple occasions when running against a defender, but usually managed to keep going after the stumble, prolonging the attack."


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