Metal Gear Rising Director May be the Saviour of Transformers: Devastation
Added: 17.06.2015 3:05 | 0 views | 0 comments
Platinum Games’ video game spin-off of Another boss battle threw us in an arena with Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, who is rocking his purple colours again, for those interested. This fight required us to make use of the transformed vehicle mode to build up speed, rush at him, and execute an uppercut to break his guard. Using the arena to build speed and unleash destructive uppercuts and area-of-effect spin attacks will no doubt become more important as harder enemy variants are introduced. We’ll be honest, we came out way more excited for Transfomers: Devastation than when we went in. There’s lots of other little touches we love. The little animated character portraits that strike exaggerated poses at various points during the conversation. The vibrant visual style that renders the Autobots with beautiful gleams of colour. The fact that Optimus Prime's idle animation has him putting his hands on his hips and striking a sassy pose, instead of a gruff prepare-for-battle position. All of this inspires confidence that Platinum is giving Transformers the care and attention it deserves, and helps put The Legend of Korra behind us.
| Kingdom Hearts III Shows Sora at His Most Powerful
Added: 17.06.2015 2:44 | 9 views | 0 comments
"Our goal is, because you are able to obtain world-specific Keyblades after you beat certain worlds, the transformations of each Keyblade will be related to the world you visit," Yasue explained. "We've made each transformation unique to the world.” Another thing you can expect from Kingdom Hearts III is giant, Shadow of the Colossus-style boss battles. There will be fights against smaller enemies, but some of KHIII's bosses will be gargantuan, allowing Sora greater freedom of movement and room to experiment with attacks--including the new theme-park-ride summon attacks. "When creating a Kingdom Hearts game, we start with a gameplay system that I think would be a fun element," Nomura said of designing gameplay, "and once we have an idea of what kind of gameplay or system we want in place, we flesh out the story around it, surrounding the basic concept of what kind of fun we’re going to have with this new instalment." He added: "The gameplay mechanic is the skeleton, the root of building the game. As an example of how some concepts come about… the game system in Dream Drop Distance where you switch between Sora and Riku and interchange, that concept fell into place first and then I built the story.” Kingdom Hearts III still doesn't have a release date. For more details, check out our trailer breakdown below.
Tags: When, Shoot, Another, Shadow, There, Rick, Dream, Drop, Kingdom, Kingdom Hearts, Hearts, Most, Soul
| Kingdom Hearts III Shows Sora at His Most Powerful
Added: 17.06.2015 2:44 | 6 views | 0 comments
"Our goal is, because you are able to obtain world-specific Keyblades after you beat certain worlds, the transformations of each Keyblade will be related to the world you visit," Yasue explained. "We've made each transformation unique to the world.” Another thing you can expect from Kingdom Hearts III is giant, Shadow of the Colossus-style boss battles. There will be fights against smaller enemies, but some of KHIII's bosses will be gargantuan, allowing Sora greater freedom of movement and room to experiment with attacks--including the new theme-park-ride summon attacks. "When creating a Kingdom Hearts game, we start with a gameplay system that I think would be a fun element," Nomura said of designing gameplay, "and once we have an idea of what kind of gameplay or system we want in place, we flesh out the story around it, surrounding the basic concept of what kind of fun we’re going to have with this new instalment." He added: "The gameplay mechanic is the skeleton, the root of building the game. As an example of how some concepts come about… the game system in Dream Drop Distance where you switch between Sora and Riku and interchange, that concept fell into place first and then I built the story.” Kingdom Hearts III still doesn't have a release date. For more details, check out our trailer breakdown below.
Tags: When, Shoot, Another, Shadow, There, Rick, Dream, Drop, Kingdom, Kingdom Hearts, Hearts, Most, Soul
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