Did Square Enix Just Tease Another Sequel To Chrono Trigger?
Added: 13.06.2015 12:16 | 5 views | 0 comments
Hear me out here, developers tweet things, us common folk get excited and write about it. But, there's some legitimacy here. This one comes right from the company. Square Enix just released an E3 2015 hype video, giving us a taste of what's to come this week.
Right away, Chrono Trigger fans will notice the music. WHY IT'S FROG'S THEME REMASTERED! Why would you do that Square. Why? Why? What are you playing at? Why would you dig the song from a game 20 years ago and remaster it? What do you want? Is it my money you want? well, you can have it, just kill the suspense.
| Splatoon Gets Another Free Weapon
Added: 12.06.2015 18:28 | 3 views | 0 comments
The Splash-o-matic is the latest addition to the Wii U shooter, following the N-ZAP85 and Inkbrush from earlier this month.
| Editorial: Will There EVER Be Another F.E.A.R.?
Added: 12.06.2015 17:20 | 17 views | 0 comments
First-Person Shooters are a dime a dozen nowadays and its a struggle to really find one that stands out and separates itself from the genre. This can be a double-edged sword, as a FPS that brings something new to the table can often unintentionally have that new thing staying at the table forever. But what if that game managed to capture a concept so well that not even its successors could manage to tap into its perfect blend of creative design? Lets say they decided to mix genres: ones that had been mixed before, but managed to do something that hadnt been done before. Could it be possible that a studio managed to make a sort of lightning in a bottle for FPSs, something so good that there may not be anything quite like it for over a decade after it came out? Well, that DID happen, and that games name was F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon.
| Following Troubled Launch, PS4's Ultra Street Fighter 4 Gets Another Patch
Added: 12.06.2015 12:55 | 25 views | 0 comments
Sony has released yet another patch for the . Ultra Street Fighter IV June 11 Patch Notes- Reduced input latency
- Addressed matching not working correctly within the Replay Channel
- Fixed bug where character movement SFX are replaced by ambient stage sounds
- Improved online match performance
- Fixed localization issue in Spanish for the control customization UI
- Fixed bug where grey box appeared around OPTIONS in MY LIST
- Fixed resolution "snap" between menu transitions
- Fixed crash bug where leaving the game in Trials for extended period
- Addressed Juri pinwheel graphical corruption
- Added Special Titles (from Prize Codes). Note: There are no more Prize Codes, which is why the input is disabled
- Fixed bug where Title/Icon Scroll speeds were sluggish
- Adjusted volume of announcer compared to other sound levels
- Overall audio balancing to correct volume levels; several corrected audio bugs
Tags: Street, Gear, Jump, Prime, Another, There, Patch, Fixes, Spanish, Fighter, Street Fighter, Added, Addressed, Trials, Soul
| Following Troubled Launch, PS4's Ultra Street Fighter 4 Gets Another Patch
Added: 12.06.2015 12:55 | 12 views | 0 comments
Sony has released yet another patch for the . Ultra Street Fighter IV June 11 Patch Notes- Reduced input latency
- Addressed matching not working correctly within the Replay Channel
- Fixed bug where character movement SFX are replaced by ambient stage sounds
- Improved online match performance
- Fixed localization issue in Spanish for the control customization UI
- Fixed bug where grey box appeared around OPTIONS in MY LIST
- Fixed resolution "snap" between menu transitions
- Fixed crash bug where leaving the game in Trials for extended period
- Addressed Juri pinwheel graphical corruption
- Added Special Titles (from Prize Codes). Note: There are no more Prize Codes, which is why the input is disabled
- Fixed bug where Title/Icon Scroll speeds were sluggish
- Adjusted volume of announcer compared to other sound levels
- Overall audio balancing to correct volume levels; several corrected audio bugs
Tags: Street, Gear, Jump, Prime, Another, There, Patch, Fixes, Spanish, Fighter, Street Fighter, Added, Addressed, Trials, Soul
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