Sunday, 09 March 2025
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Short Pause Podcast #30: Fallout 4 Reaction, E3 Predictions, One Year Anniversary

Added: 09.06.2015 1:16 | 3 views | 0 comments

The Short Pause crew chimes in on the latest happenings within the video game industry. The topics this week include: - The Short Pause crew share their E3 predictions - One member marvels over the Fallout 4 trailer and discusses the controversy surrounding the games graphical presentation. - Another member talks about why the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection doesn't need its multiplayer component. A contributor speculates if this is the final Uncharted game featuring Nathan Drake - The crew spends some time thanking gamers for all their support and for being an integral part in helping mold this podcast into what it is today. - And much MORE!


EA Teases Another Trailer For New Need For Speed

Added: 08.06.2015 17:16 | 12 views | 0 comments

EA writes on twitter: "This is your ONE WEEK warning to E3, new trailer incoming!"


Reshade Witcher 3 Framework Using EDFX

Added: 08.06.2015 14:16 | 9 views | 0 comments

Another day for mankind, another day for PC gamers who have been anxiously waiting for newer mods they can use with the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. We have been covering a lot of graphical mods for Witcher 3, some of them are minor, while others prove to have massive overhaul. Today we have another mod called EDFX EnhanceD FX Graphics


Momonga Pinball Adventures Is Bouncing And Flipping Its Way To The Wii U eShop

Added: 08.06.2015 11:00 | 22 views | 0 comments

Article: Momonga Pinball Adventures Is Bouncing And Flipping Its Way To The Wii U eShop

Another mobile title makes the jump


Witcher 3 Gets Another Major Patch

Added: 06.06.2015 23:16 | 16 views | 0 comments

CD Projekt Red is continuing to fix up and address some of the issues that gamers have encountered in The Witcher 3, including the very nasty experience bug that prevented some gamers from receiving any proper experience from quests after completing them. There's a massive list of fixes that has arrived in patch 1.05, which has rolled out for PC and PS4 and is going live soon for Xbox One owners.


Today's Overwatch video is all about the turret

Added: 06.06.2015 13:16 | 2 views | 0 comments

PCgamer: "Another day, another Overwatch video. Seriously Blizzard, how many characters have you got? Oh, 14. Well that'll keep us busy for a while then. Today, it's the turn of Torbjörn, an Engineer-like character with an upgradable turret."

Tags: Another

NES Zapper Joined by Another New Splatoon Weapon Tonight

Added: 05.06.2015 21:01 | 3 views | 0 comments

Since its release last week, Nintendo has been slowly adding new content to .


NES Zapper Joined by Another New Splatoon Weapon Tonight

Added: 05.06.2015 21:01 | 2 views | 0 comments

Since its release last week, Nintendo has been slowly adding new content to .


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