Batman: Arkham Knight PC gets another apology and no patch
Added: 21.08.2015 8:18 | 17 views | 0 comments
MWEB GameZone writes: "The way Warner Bros. is handling the PC debacle could damaged their reputation irreparably. It reeks of disrespect for their customers.
Playing a broken game, for two months. Paid for a season pass that you cannot play.
Just gonna leave this here; EA lost a law suit against Australian customers over releasing a broken game."
| Amazon-exclusive Batman Arkham Knight Vanguard Blue Edition released in the U.S. region
Added: 21.08.2015 5:18 | 13 views | 0 comments
The Amazon-exclusive Batman Arkham Knight Vanguard Blue Edition (a carrying case and portable monitor solution for the PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PS3) has been released.
| Batman: Arkham Knight - First Interim Patch Detailed Coming In The Next Few Weeks
Added: 21.08.2015 4:18 | 44 views | 0 comments
After almost a whole month, Warner Bros issued a new statement about the status of Batman: Arkham Knights PC version.
| Top 5 moments in the Batman: Arkham franchise
Added: 21.08.2015 3:20 | 5 views | 0 comments
Martin from GamersFTW writes: Batman: Arkham Knight has come and gone, and although the DLC stream for it is far from over, the main story is now fully realized. I was invaded by mixed feelings with the closing chapter: for one, I didnt want this series to end since they are just so darn good, but on the other hand, I wouldnt dream of having any other developer put a ribbon on the franchise other than Rocksteady. The rollercoaster of emotions I felt playing through these games was truly something special, so its only fitting that I recount what are, for me, the top 5 moments these games have presented us with.
| Batman: Arkham Knight 1989 Movie Batmobile Pack Review | Saving Content
Added: 20.08.2015 17:18 | 7 views | 0 comments
Excerpt: "The post-release DLC for Batman: Arkham Knight has been a bit lacking in quality. Theres plenty of fan service coming from Rocksteady as it is their supposed last outing with Batman. And as such, they are going all-out with skins, story missions, and additional side missions. Some of them are pretty good, while others including this one are so close to being great, they just miss the mark. The 1989 Movie Batmobile Pack falls into the latter. While not as much content as Batgirl: A Matter of Family, it is the month of Augusts major DLC release, with other DLC being a skin pack. The former, is a nostalgic trip back to 1989 that misses every opportunity to be something special, but still manages to excite with what little it does offer."
| Batman: Arkham Knight: August Update Trailer (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Added: 20.08.2015 8:51 | 57 views | 0 comments
With the 1989 Movie Batmobile Pack, you can get behind the wheel of the Batmobile from the 1989 film ‘Batman’ and outfit Batman with a customised skin from the film.
| Batman: Arkham Knight Will Add Dark Knight's Tumbler
Added: 19.08.2015 23:17 | 12 views | 0 comments
 Bruce Wayne is a rich dude, so it makes sense that the Batcaves garage in Arkham Knight would be fully stocked. And now that the 1989 movie Batmobile has been added to the lineup, the next piece of machinery we have to look forward to is none other than the Tumbler from the 2008 Dark Knight movie.
| PS4 1TB Xbox One Bundle Deals - IGN Daily Fix
Added: 19.08.2015 22:30 | 15 views | 0 comments
Deals on 1TB Xbox One consoles, PS4 Arkham Knight and Destiny bundles, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and more. Naomi takes you through some of the biggest gaming deals of the week!
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