Assassins Creed Chronicles: China PlayStation 4 review | Vic B'Stard's State of Play
Added: 04.05.2015 5:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
Vic B'Stard writes: "As if Assassins Creed fans have not been spoilt enough already with both Assassins Creed Rogue and Unity less than six months old. Its now time for some more Assassin verses Templar action.
Ubisoft have released the first game in its Assassins Creed spin-off series, Assassins Creed Chronicles: China. This is the first of three 2.5D platform games to be followed by similarly styled adventures set in India and Russia."
| Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China Review - BGU
Added: 04.05.2015 1:17 | 12 views | 0 comments
"It was unfortunate that Assassins Creed Chronicles: China came to an end as soon as it did. 15-20minute long, bite sized missions certainly make it an easy came to consume and roll through in a four hour completion, but it feels like there was more left on the table unused here. I came away feeling as though this was a golden opportunity for Ubisoft to establish this side franchise as the perfect entree to the main course, and though a fun game, there was not enough of it to allow me to sink my teeth into it fully. Tight mechanics, a new setting, an interesting protagonist and great balancing makes for a fun experience, and has greatly whet my appetite for more just give us a bit more next time." - Paul James of BGU
| The Witcher 3 Devs Explain Why Dice Poker Is Gone and More; Beautiful New Screenshot Released
Added: 03.05.2015 21:17 | 45 views | 0 comments
If you have played The Witcher or The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, you're familiar with Dice Poker, the addictive little minigame that came with the first two games, and that has been replaced by the card game Gwent in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Lead Writer Marcin Blacha explained that at one point in time the team wanted to have both minigames in their latest title, but the idea was discarded for production reasons.
| Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China | NZGamer
Added: 02.05.2015 1:17 | 9 views | 0 comments
With Assassins Creed Chronicles: China, developer Climax Studios and Ubisoft have given us an interesting take on the 2.5D side-scroller genre, with nods to the lore and history of the franchise we have come to know. Unfortunately the change in setting and style of gameplay cant do much to hide a mediocre story, a dull cast of characters, and lacklustre voice acting.
| Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China Review | Pennyworth Reviews
Added: 01.05.2015 15:21 | 7 views | 0 comments
Assassins Creed Chronicles is a new direction for the series, and one that strips down the series to a very manageable and enjoyable game that we had a good time with and can happily recommend to just about anyone and not just fans of the franchise/genre.
| Assassins Creed Chronicles: China Complete Gameplay Walkthrough
Added: 01.05.2015 0:17 | 23 views | 0 comments
One Angry Gamer "Ubisofts side-scrolling platformer, Assassins Creed Chronicles: China is a step away from the typical third-person adventure. The new game puts players in the role of Shao Jun as she escapes from the glitches of the Templars and goes out to seek revenge against the group that wiped out the Chinese Brotherhood of Assassins. For gamers looking for a way to get through the entire game with the Shadow Gold standard, and a few hints on how to kill and how, theres a spiffy walkthrough guide available."
Tags: Gods, Games, Creed, Shadow, Shop, Complete, Angry, Gameplay, Brotherhood, Assassins Creed, Assassins, Assassins Creed, China
| Annual Games Like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed Need to Start Using Female Lead Characters
Added: 30.04.2015 7:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
An editors special blog about the need for more female characters that play a leading role in annualised games and the blockers that are likely to be preventing it.
Assassins Creed is the perfect game to give a female lead character. But one thing here is a big blocker and its a sad statement to make but an annual release games first priority is making money, making a good game sadly comes second.
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