The Guided Fate Paradox And Never Alone Are Free PlayStation Plus Games In Japan
Added: 31.03.2015 13:18 | 14 views | 0 comments
Sony announced the April PlayStation Plus lineup for Japan which includes The Guided Fate Paradox from Nippon Ichi Software. This roguelike is a spiritual sequel to Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger Vs. Darkdeath Evilman and prequel to The Awakened Fate Ultimatum which came out in North America recently.
Tags: PlayStation, Games, Play, North, America, North America, Japan, Fate, April, Awakened, Soul, Along
| The Awakened Fate Ultimatum Review | GameSpew
Added: 30.03.2015 22:22 | 23 views | 0 comments
"Sequel to The Guided Fate Paradox, The Awakened Fate Ultimatum is a dungeon-crawling RPG with rogue-like elements. Dont worry however; no knowledge of The Guided Fate Paradox is required to enjoy this title as the story is self-contained. Its very much a game of two halves; youll spend nearly as much time watching the story unfold via static screens of anime art and text as you will exploring dungeons. Luckily the story is interesting albeit sometimes clichéd and the art is visually appealing. Its a pleasant surprise that the game has English audio too, although Shins quite frequent internal monologues are not voiced. Whilst the game largely gets the balance right between story and gameplay, there were times where it tested my patience somewhat. Especially at the beginning where the dungeons were nothing more than training exercises with only a few floors." - GameSpew
| The Awakened Fate Ultimatum Review | Gamer's Palace
Added: 28.03.2015 10:18 | 21 views | 0 comments
Gamer's Palace: "The Awakened Fate ultimatum does many things righ und provides hours and hours of fun, but you have to adapt to the high difficulty. But with The Awakened Fate Ultimatum everyone can play God - And that's fun! However, the cinematics could have been much nicer.
Nevertheless, The Awakened is Fate ultimatum a successful title with English language edition, which calls for the player and supports and comes with an interesting history. Even if you have to understand English very well in order to be able to really keep up here, in particular due to the big amount of text."
| CGM Reviews: The Awakened Fate Ultimatum
Added: 26.03.2015 19:18 | 29 views | 0 comments
When you begin The Awakened Fate Ultimatum you find the main character, Shin Kamikaze, narrating his own life and by his own admission, its pretty sad. A loner, Shin finds solace in seclusion and he truly prefers it that way. Imagine his surprise when winged devils descend and attack him and he is protected by a beautiful angel who arrives just a little too late; Shin is killed by the devils.
| The Awakened Fate Ultimatum Deitized Devil Form Trailer
Added: 24.03.2015 0:00 | 25 views | 0 comments
By Deitizing, Shin Kamikaze wields the power of God in The Awakened Fate Ultimatum.
| The Awakened Fate Ultimatum Deitized Angel Form Trailer
Added: 24.03.2015 0:00 | 33 views | 0 comments
Obtain new powers by using the power of the heroine's soul in The Awakened Fate Ultimatum.
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