Injustice: Year Four #8 Review
Added: 20.08.2015 4:28 | 39 views | 0 comments
The latest chapter of DC's Injustice prequel brings the Lord of Olympus into the battle between Batman and Superman.
| Daily Deals: PS4 With Batman and Two Bonus Games, Daily Deals: PS4 With Three Games, Jurassic World
Added: 20.08.2015 4:18 | 10 views | 0 comments
A PS4 with three games and a cash discount on the 1TB Xbox One.
| Batman Arkham Knight's 1989 Batmobile DLC
Added: 19.08.2015 21:15 | 15 views | 0 comments
We take the classic 1989 Batmobile for a spin in one of Riddler's race tracks.
| Video Game Weekly deals - 08/19 Update from Amazon and others (US)
Added: 19.08.2015 13:20 | 88 views | 0 comments
This week, Yosi's new Island is $15.99 on 3DS, Project spark is $9.99 on XBO, and Naruto Shippuden Ultimate ninja Storm 3 is $13.99 on PS3.
If you're that one guy on Earth who doesn't own a PS4 yet, Amazon have a PS4 Batman Arkham Knight + Destiny + Assassin's Creed Unity Bundle for $399.99. Alternatively if you decide to embrace the dark side, eBay have the XBox One Madden NFL 16 1TB Bundle for $359.99.
Those of you on a budget can find games for less than $10. This week, Fallout 3 GOTY is $8.46 on Xbox 360, Crysis 3 is $9.50 on PS3, Jewel Master: Cradle of Athena is $4.36 on NDS, Project spark (mentioned above) is $9.99 on XBO, and Batman: Arkham Origins is $9.99 on 3DS and Wii U.
Tags: Gain, Video, Batman, Island, Creed, Xbox, Stone, Ultimate, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Shippuden, Shippuden Ultimate, Video Game, Destiny, Crysis, Madden, Madden NFL, XBox, Jewel, Knight, Project, Update, Amazon, Earth, Arkham, Origins, Arkham Origins, Batman Arkham
| PlayStation Store Sales This Week Include EA Publisher Sale, Batman Arkham Knight More
Added: 19.08.2015 2:20 | 38 views | 0 comments
On the North American PlayStation Store this week, you'll find an EA Publisher Sale, a Batman: Arkham sale, a Tom Clancy sale, and more.
| PlayStation Store Sales This Week Include EA Publisher Sale, Batman Arkham Knight More
Added: 18.08.2015 21:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
On the North American PlayStation Store this week, you'll find an EA Publisher Sale, a Batman: Arkham sale, a Tom Clancy sale, and more.
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