J-Stars Victory VS+ Review Shonen Thump (PS4) | Playstation Lifestyle
Added: 07.07.2015 13:15 | 59 views | 0 comments
"Its always fun to see video game characters from different universes interacting with one another. Super Smash Bros. lets Nintendo characters come together, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale lets PlayStation characters meet, and now J-Stars Victory VS+ gives Shonen Jump characters the opportunity to interact. However, despite the novelty of having a large conglomeration of Shonen Jump characters to play as, J-Stars isnt exactly the brawler youve been waiting for."
| MOBAs You Might Not Have Heard Of
Added: 05.07.2015 13:15 | 14 views | 0 comments
GamerBolt: "MOBAs or Massive Online Battle Arenas, have become incredibly popular in recent years. If you play games on the PC youve probably heard of League of Legends or DotA 2."
| Boss Battle: Gain Some Ganon Cannons
Added: 05.07.2015 3:15 | 19 views | 0 comments
"So far, our Boss Battle articles have been about losing something a particular boss has themselves. Losing things like the Bowser Belly and the Donkey Butt are important, but its also a good idea to gain some things from fitness Boss Battles as well. This time, we will focus on gaining some Ganon Cannons through suggested food and exercise methods." GamerFitnation
| Sol Say We All The Battle of Sol Review | GIZORAMA
Added: 05.07.2015 3:15 | 3 views | 0 comments
Liam Lambert, GIZORAMA - "The Battle of Sol is the closest thing to a Battlestar Galactica game Ive ever played. It puts you in the seat of a fighter-class spacecraft, wherein you command a ragtag group of loveable-but-gung-ho pilots as they assist their fleet in securing a new planet for settlement. Almost every aspect of TBOSs design feels borrowed from another sci-fi property, be it its ship designs, its combat, or its characters. Its as derivative as all hell, but Ill be damned if it doesnt feel good to shoot some mother-frackers out of the sky."
| Boss Battle: Gain Some Ganon Cannons
Added: 05.07.2015 1:15 | 5 views | 0 comments
"So far, our Boss Battle articles have been about losing something a particular boss has themselves. Losing things like the Bowser Belly and the Donkey Butt are important, but its also a good idea to gain some things from fitness Boss Battles as well. This time, we will focus on gaining some Ganon Cannons through suggested food and exercise methods." GamerFitnation
| The Battle of Sol Released on Steam, Launch Trailer/Screens Available
Added: 04.07.2015 12:16 | 9 views | 0 comments
We thought that our sun would last another five billion years. We were wrong
| How Star Wars Battlefront is Similar and Not Similar to Battlefield
Added: 04.07.2015 8:15 | 6 views | 0 comments
SegmentNext - Our take on Star Wars Battlefronts demo was filled with nothing but praises, yet there were questions arising from various other critics, whose critiques were that Battlefront was too similar to another game with the Battle prefix, and developed by the same firm. Yes, were talking about Battlefield!
| Saint Seiya: Soldiers Soul For PS4/PS3/PC Gets New Screenshots and Trailer of the Battle for Asgard
Added: 03.07.2015 15:19 | 4 views | 0 comments
Today Bandai Namco Released a brand new batch of screenshots of Saint Seiya: Soldiers Soul and a trailer mostly focusing on the Ashard chapter of the game.
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