The most anticipated games of 2016
Added: 17.09.2015 21:30 | 312 views | 0 comments
Here's the thing about games: you can never have enough. No matter how many incredible virtual worlds we've experienced, there's always something new on the horizon to get us excited for the next big game all over again. Even though there are plenty of stellar games to enjoy in the here and now, it's never too early to get excited for what's coming, and what could be.
Here's a look at our most anticipated games coming in 2016 and beyond, from original ideas like ReCore and Horizon: Zero Dawn to high-profile sequels such as Uncharted 4, Dishonored 2, and Mass Effect: Andromeda. It's going to be another great year for gaming - just try not to think about how long it'll be until we finally get to play these excellent-looking titles.
It’s taken years for Harmonix to take another shot at Amplitude, a music-and-rhythm game cherished fiercely by the people who actually played it back when it launched on PlayStation 2. Its new incarnation is aimed precisely at that crowd of longtime supporters, in part because they’re the ones paying for it through Kickstarter, and in part because it’s a game so evocative of the PS2’s more experimental days. In 2016 we’ll see those days modernized by Harmonix in a gorgeous, abstract rhythm game about blasting down a space highway, triggering pulsating notes, switching tracks and becoming immersed in the studio’s in-house electronic music.
Available: January 2016 (PS4), Early 2016 (PS3)
Every day is opposite day in XCOM 2. In this alternate history to XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the rogue organization XCOM is now the Rebellion to the aliens’ Empire. Earth has been overrun. The aliens now occupy our planet, forcing XCOM to become a leaner, faster operation. Firaxis' Greg Foertsch told us this new game is all about hit-and-run tactics. Your enemies outnumber you, are better armed, and have the home field advantage, so you need to hit 'em fast and get the hell out before backup arrives. As I noted in my , "XCOM: Enemy Within tried to reinforce a more frantic pace by introducing MELD. XCOM 2 bakes this playstyle into the core of its design."
Available: February 5 (PC, Mac)
It's no secret that Gearbox has struggled to step out from the shadow of its own massively successful Borderlands series. The studio's other projects (such as finishing Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens: Colonial Marines) have been met with … less than positive reception. Hopefully Battleborn, a unique spin on the co-op shooter formula that made Borderlands so popular, can turn things around. While it's not a MOBA per se, it certainly wears the influence of the genre on its sleeve to create a tightly-controlled experience that makes each level feel more directed and less meandering than its open-world predecessors. With tons of colorful characters to choose from and a distinct flair for personality, this may be the best chance Gearbox has to prove they're not a one-franchise wonder.
Available: February 9 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution was way better than it had any right to be. It also opened in 2007, an era when every series under the sun from RPGs to strategy games were being transformed into basic shooters. Instead of a dumb FPS, Human Revolution was an expert blend of story, role-playing, action and stealth. sees the same team of creators emboldened by their success and working on an even grander scale.
Available: February 23 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
It's always nice to see a cult classic get a second chance in the spotlight. The original Mirror's Edge delivered the critically-praised and novel concept of a first-person parkour game, and those who played it generally loved it. Unfortunately, those numbers were a bit on the low side, and it looked like we would never get the chance to see the ideas present in Mirror's Edge refined into something better. Imagine our surprise when Mirror's Edge Catalyst appeared - this reboot developed by DICE (Battlefield 4, Battlefront) in the Frostbite 3 engine (used by most of EA's recent games, including the aforementioned Battlefield 4 and Battlefront) looks good enough to get us freerunning again.
Available: February 23 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
A deadly virus has broken out and spread across the United States on Black Friday (and no, it's not amiibo fever), causing the government to collapse in under a week. In response, what remains of an organization called The Division must restore order and help prevent any further chaos. Of course, this means exploring a derelict New York City with friends and hunting for awesome loot, a la Destiny - though your friends might not stick around if you backstab them in the game's many PvP Dark Zones.
Available: March 8 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
The Ghosts are back, and this time they’re free to roam the land, taking down tangoes as they see fit. is an open-world co-op military shooter, where you choose how to approach each mission. It’s designed for squads of four, and friends can drop-in to help out at any time, although the AI will take over if you just want to solo the game. It takes plenty of cues from Ubi’s other action games, like Far Cry and Assassin’s Creed, so expect stacks of mini-missions, side-ops, and different ways to approach each objective. Probably no elephants or honey badgers, though (unfortunately).
Available: TBA (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Following a delay that pushed out of the 2015 holiday season, A Thief's End has a firm release date in March 2016, so everyone has three more months to emotionally prepare for the end of Nathan Drake. Of course, it's not certain that's what the title means - Nathan's long-lost brother Sam (new to the series and played by Troy Baker) also appears to be a thief, so it's anyone's guess which thief will be 'ending'. What we know for sure is that Sam convinces Drake to return to the globe-trotting, treasure-pilfering life for one last job off the coast of Madagascar. Sully is in tow for optimal joke making, and per the E3 demo we get plenty of the intense car chases we've come to love from Drake's adventures. Elena has yet to make an appearance, but no need to worry just yet - what would the last Uncharted game be without Elena? Sob.
Available: March 18 (PS4)
After breathing new life into the fighting game genre with 2008's Street Fighter 4, developer Capcom now finds itself in an interesting position with its upcoming sequel. SF4 found great success in going back to the basics, in keeping things simple. But sequels demand new ideas, and delivers by replacing the focus attack mechanic with three new designs: V-Triggers, V-Skills, and V-Reversals. So far, the result feels like a mix between Injustice: Gods Among Us and the Street Fighter Alpha series, with a heavy focus on giving each fighter individualized gimmicks. And if that doesn't get you pumped, well, there's always R. Mika.
Available: March (PS4, PC)
Quantum Break represents a big departure for Remedy - it’s not a story about a Mister Q. Break. As for the rest, well, it’s totally what you’d want from the creators of Max Payne and Alan Wake (starring Max Payne and Alan Wake, respectively): slick third-person action, extravagant graphics, environmental catastrophes, and a pulpy time-travel story driving you from one cliffhanger to the next. Quantum Break also has a live-action television component interspersed with gameplay episodes, balancing the developer’s desire to not only hook you on an unfurling plot, but to respect the fact that you probably don’t have time to watch and play the whole thing in one sitting. Not that it’ll be any less hard to put down, going by Remedy’s previous games.
Available: April 5, 2016 (Xbox One)
Once upon a time, Rare fans dreamed of a game they awkwardly dubbed 'Banjo-Threeie' - basically, the next Banjo-Kazooie game after the stellar Banjo-Tooie. Unfortunately, that game never materialized (Nuts and Bolts doesn't count). But next year, Yooka-Laylee - a new mascot-happy platformer made by a group of ex-Rare devs called Playtonic Games - promises to hit fans right in the nostalgia with a cheeky, cartoony, collect-a-thon-y return to form. If screenshots from the game's Kickstarter campaign are any hint, expect a 3D adventure-platformer where a bat and chameleon duo collect golden book pages called "Pagies" to expand the world around them. Add in that the character designer, environmental artist, and composers from Rare's good 'ol days are also on the project, and I'm starting to feel some deja vu.
Available: October (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PC, Mac)
A follow-up to the excellent classic role-playing game Divinity: Original Sin, this sequel easily sailed past its Kickstarter goal and looks set to build on the impressive manipulation tactics set by its predecessor. This time out, the theme is “how your origins affect who you are and what chances you get in life,” and you’ll be able to exploit character weaknesses to achieve your goals. If the first game is anything to go by, you can expect to get up to a lot of magic-based mischief.
Available: December (PC)
One of the most underrated open-world playgrounds is primed to make a hell of a comeback in 2016. The urban sandbox of the Crackdown universe is all about taking down crime lords in the most egregious, property-obliterating ways you can think of - and with the power of the Xbox One backing it, .
Available: TBA (Xbox One)
The master is back. After taking a supporting role on the development of Dark Souls 2, From Software's Hidetaka Miyazaki is back in the director's chair for the next (and last) installment in the Dark Souls saga. The grand finale to this legendary action-RPG franchise has a lot to live up to, and it's interesting that there seems to be a lot of Bloodborne's DNA in its make-up. So expect not only demon-stabbing, slashing and flaming, but also some of the best enemy designs around. No pressure, then.
Available: TBA (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
If you're looking for blood, gore, shotguns, and more gore, the new Doom looks like it has all of those bases covered. In the E3 2015 gameplay demo, we finally got to see Doom in action and it wasn’t long before we were seeing demons decapitated by shotgun blasts and ghouls being dismembered with a chainsaw. Doom looks like it's staying true to ye old shooter mechanics of yore, forcing you to pick up armor and health packs, but there is new flair added to the shooting with gruesome execution moves that allow you to stomp heads and rip the arms off of stunned enemies. Oh, the joy.
Available: TBA (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
During Bethesda's first ever E3 press conference, the company with announcements for Doom, Fallout 4… and Dishonored 2, sequel to the 2012 gaspunk sneak-a-thon Dishonored, right alongside. Set ten-plus years after the end of the first game, Dishonored 2 will feature two main characters: Corvo, our familiar protagonist, and Emily Kaldwin, his young charge-turned-magical-Assassin. Each will have their own storyline and set of powers, and if Dishonored 2's E3 trailer is any indication, you can be just as ruthless no matter who you choose.
Available: Spring (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Media Molecule made a name for itself with off-the-wall game concepts populated by universally appealing characters, as seen in LittleBigPlanet and Tearaway. But Dreams is definitely its most experimental project yet, even by the studio's eccentric standards. What little we've seen of this surreal experience involves shaping objects and vignettes from a highly moldable, clay-like material, which can then be animated through a sort of PS4 puppetry and shared with other users (a la LBP). The idea is that you'll eventually wander through a string of completely unalike, ethereal visions, but how that'll function in terms of actual gameplay is still a mystery.
Available: TBA (PS4)
When Final Fantasy 15 arrives in 2016, it will have officially been in development for ten years. Despite name changes, platform shifts, and a brand new director taking over the game, it’s actually looking like it might have been worth the wait. Director Hajime Tabata has a flair for taking risks with Square Enix’s flagship series, as with the strange mix of manga melodrama and war documentary in his most recent release, Final Fantasy Type-0. The emerging themes of bombastic anime action and lend themselves nicely to a road trip story full of cars, camping, and magic roadside diners. All that helps make Final Fantasy XV an ambitious, truly unique entry not just in the series, but in the role-playing genre as a whole.
Available: TBA (PS4, Xbox One)
Gears is back, and while the series over time evolved into a brotastic locust-filled curb-stomp-fest (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing) many of us are excited that Gears of War 4 will bring back the darker, horror-tinged vibe that the series initially started out with. There's not much to know at this point other than the fact that the two leads, Kait and JD, are fighting bizarre creatures in courtyards and dark corridors with familiar weapons. The studio responsible for the franchise, now renamed to The Coalition, is led by Rod Fergusson, the former Director of Production at Epic Games, who has been working on the series since the first game.
Available: Holiday 2016 (Xbox One)
Halo Wars 2 ranks pretty high up there on the list of 'sequels we never expected to happen in 2016'. The first Halo Wars, while not a bad game, didn't exactly light the fires of passion in either the Halo fanbase or RTS players - partly due to its limited tactics and console exclusivity. Halo Wars 2 looks to change that in a couple of very important ways. First, it's coming to Xbox One and PC, and second, it's being developed by Creative Assembly, the studio behind the Total War franchise. Those guys and gals know their stuff, and it gives hope that Halo Wars 2 will be more complex and honor the RTS genre in a stronger way than its predecessor.
Available: Fall 2016 (Xbox One, PC)
It’s been a long and troubled development but Homefront: The Revolution is finally seeing the light of day and, from what we’ve played, it’s shaping up nicely. A sprawling open world city makes it feel like Far Cry with guerilla warfare and that’s just fine. Philadelphia in 2029 is ruled by the Greater Korean Republic and it’s you and a bundle of other (mostly leather clad) rebels taking on the city with explosives in hand. Just like Mad Max, everything goes boom here and there’s even remote-controlled explosive devices to take on the technologically-superior enemy. Dambusters is concentrating on weapon customization with every part of your weapon able to be satisfyingly swapped out for other bits. The action is suitably chaotic, too, with enemy drones sweeping in and sending you running for cover to replan your attack. Add in a motorbike to cross the city and Orwellian areas of the map to explore and this is an open world we’re excited to explore.
Available: TBA (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
This is just about the last game you'd expect from the team behind Killzone: a post-apocalyptic adventure game where you play as a young woman hunting robot dinosaurs. That's the concept behind (which we'll just be calling 'Horizon', thank you very much), where you'll be hunting mechanical prey with nothing but a bow, arrows, and whatever other gear you can collect from the object of your hunt. Since you have only the most primitive equipment to work with in this hostile world, you'll have to be clever about how you use it, setting traps or using stealth in places when a direct confrontation means death between some beastie’s mechanical jaws. Little is known about the story, but the sincere, unflinching way it approaches its premise (Robot. Dinosaurs.) more than has our attention.
Available: TBA (PS4)
After departing Epic Games in 2012, Cliff Bleszinski went on to start his own studio, Boss Key Productions. LawBreakers is the first effort from the new studio: a fast, futuristic, free-to-play arena shooter that harkens back to the days of like Unreal Tournament and Quake. LawBreakers evokes those classics' relentless pacing and verticality (yes, it's even got rocket-jumping), but mimics contemporary shooters like Overwatch and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 in that you play as unique characters with special abilities. We're excited for LawBreakers' gorgeous, graceful carnage, though it remains to be seen how publisher Nexon will handle the game's microtransactions.
Available: TBA (PC)
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers assemble for the second time in this goofy, co-op friendly format but now, it’s based off the recent Marvel movies The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron as well as the comics. It’s meant to be a celebration of everything Avengers related all in one - even Stan Lee will make an appearance as Iron Stan. It’ll likely be everything that you know and love about LEGO games, because Traveller’s Tales has got this formula nailed down.
Available: January 26 (Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, PS Vita, 3DS, Wii U, PC)
LEGO Worlds is already available on Steam Early Access and it’s what you picture it to be, a sandbox game that allows you to build an entire worlds made up of LEGO Bricks. Finally! The worlds are procedurally generated and you have landscaping tools carve out the LEGO paradise that you’ve always dreamed of. At least you never run the risk of stepping on stray pieces, because that hurts.
Available: TBA (PC, TBD)
It's easy to forget that Mario - the mustachioed mascot who sold millions by platforming through the Mushroom Kingdom - stars in some of the wittiest, most enjoy RPGs available. Both the Paper Mario and Mario Luigi games are known for their wry humor and their timing attacks - hitting a button in time with an attack to deal extra damage. Jam is an RPG mashup of both Mario role-playing universes. Considering the Paper Mario series has been in a weird place with its last two entries, hopefully this collaboration will return it to its RPG roots.
Available: Spring 2016 (3DS)
Commander Shepard's story is over and the Reaper invasion is behind us. Now what is the human race to do? Explore space, obviously. If Star Trek has taught us anything, it's that you can have some incredible adventures out in deep space. In Mass Effect: Andromeda, you take on the role of a new main character as he or she (or maybe it?) explores the Milky Way's neighboring galaxy Andromeda. Not much is known about the game yet, but we have seen glimpses of what appears to be a Mako-like land rover and the return of omni blades.
Available: Q4 2016 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Mega Man purists might have a tough time making the transition from the classic Blue Bomber to the new android Beck, but the spirit of the fighting robot is definitely in Mighty No. 9. The classic side-scrolling shooting and platforming gameplay has a new home, but this spiritual successor is still under the watchful eye of Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune. After beating each boss, Beck earns Mighty Skills that allow him to take additional forms (including a tank), or morph his arms to gain magnetic powers. Each new ability gives him access to previously closed off areas and exposes enemy weak points.
Available: March (PC, Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, Vita, 3DS)
When it comes to Kirkman’s zombies, we’ve been from the sublime work of Telltale to the ridiculous awfulness that was Terminal Reality’s Survival Instinct. Overkill’s The Walking Dead wants to deliver the undead experience we really need and with the full support of Robert Kirkman himself, the Payday 2 devs might just deliver something (bloody) special. This slice of zombie action is all about co-op in post-apocalyptic Washington and is set in the comic book universe, not the TV show. It’s an FPS but has elements of stealth, survival horror and good old headshots as you and a friend attempt to survive in a world more than a bit hungry for your brains. We’ve not seen quite enough to know if Overkill can topple Telltale but it looks like it’s going to be gorily exciting to find out.
Available: TBA (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Sometimes, suburbia just isn't big enough to contain an all-out war between the walking dead and sentient plant-life. Sometimes, you need to take the fight to the moon. Garden Warfare 2 is the follow-up to the team-based, third-person, surprisingly fun shooter based on Popcap's essential tower defense game, adding a bevy of fresh classes and chaos-encouraging arenas. Standout newcomers include a rapid-firing stalk of corn and a support-spell-casting rose for the Plants, while the Zombies have recruited an undead-piloted mech suit and a rotting superhero to their squad. Whether you're engaging in a 24-player melee or some lighthearted 4-player co-op, this backyard carnage is sure to be a hoot.
Available: TBA (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Continuing the theme of post-apocalyptic robo-wildlife from Horizon, ReCore stars a girl and her mechanical dog-friend-thing with a plasma globe for a stomach, as they explore the wastes and fight other metal-based fiends. While not a lot has been revealed, there’s a mechanic that lets you insert your companion’s core into other robots for new abilities. It’s also being made by Keiji Inafune (the man behind Mega Man) and the makers of Metroid, so you can likely expect more than just your average run-and-shoot game.
Available: June 2016 (Xbox One)
Insomniac’s AAA reimagining of the original Ratchet and Clank, debuting alongside a full-blown movie based on the same source material, easily exceeds the usual parameters we apply to ‘remakes.’ Though the new Ratchet Clank brings its playful blend of platforming and weird weapons to planets we’ve seen before, we haven’t quite seen them in such a cutting-edge display of the PS4’s capabilities. Insomniac has also completely modernized the controls and camera, redone every cutscene to a Hollywood calibre and introduced new oddball guns. And yes, Mr. Zurkon is here too.
Available: April 16, 2016 (PS4)
You might be familiar with the concept of the , where standout games have been locked away on Nintendo's sixth-generation console seemingly for all time. Luckily, one longtime inmate is finally being freed thanks to Resident Evil Origins Collection, which bundles an HD remake of the GameCube prequel Resident Evil Zero with 2015's re-remake Resident Evil HD. Whether or not you're following the unlikely duo of Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen for the first time, the prospect of blasting giant mutant tarantulas on a speeding train in glorious 1080p is pretty damn enticing.
Available: January 22 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
When Hideki 'I just blocked you on Twitter' Kamiya makes a game, you should pay attention. He's the man behind Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Bayonetta… are you seeing the trend here? Almost everything the guy touches turns to gold. Scalebound is Platinum's first Action RPG, incorporating elements of the team's trademark free-brawling action, only now you've got a dragon at your side, helping you out. The demos so far have all looked far too good to be true (surely no game can really handle all that climbing on beasties in a fast-paced action format), but it seems increasingly likely this will be another top-drawer hit. Oh, also check your Twitter - I hear Kamiya just blocked you.
Available: TBA (Xbox One)
Made up of ex-Bioshock developers, indie studio Fullbright used its expertise in crafting believable spaces filled with incredible detail and environmental storytelling with its breakout hit, Gone Home. Now, Fullbright reaches for the stars with Tacoma, a game set on a space station hundreds of thousands of miles from Earth. We don’t know much about Tacoma yet, but chances are good that you'll walk around the station hunting for clues, and solving some puzzles while an engrossing, non-linear narrative washes over you.
Available: 2016 (Xbox One, PC)
It's almost too good to be true. Following eight years in development and radio silence on its progress for the last three, it seemed like The Last Guardian would forever be a pipedream, the stuff that Team Ico fans sigh over in moments of quiet sehnsucht. But during E3 2015, Sony dropped a bombshell by revealing that not only is The Last Guardian alive, it's nearing completion and coming to PS4 in 2016. In The Last Guardian, you play as a young boy exploring a calmly empty fantasy world alongside his giant eagle-lion-dog, who learns to help you solve puzzles with a little training. Most of the game is yet mysterious, but the fact that its existence is not is probably the best news Ico and Colossus fans have heard in many moons.
Available: TBA (PS4)
What Remains of Edith Finch is by the creators of Unfinished Swan, the game where you lob black paint all over the place to discover the world in front of you. Edith Finch is visually different (less paint), but there is a similar element of discovery, as you (Edith) move through the world from a first-person perspective and unravel the story of your cursed family. It’s a series of short stories where you get to experience the lives of various family members, leading up to their death. Cheery, isn’t it? It's actually quite unsettling, but fascinating.
Available: TBA (PS4)
Tags: Gods, Among, Gods Among, Warfare, Steve, City, Hack, Dead, Evil, Resident Evil, Resident, Capcom, Mario, PlayStation, Onto, Games, Mask, Star, Trek, Street, States, United, United States, Wake, Easy, Daly, When, Bioshock, Survival, Walking, Walking Dead, The Walking, Cave, With, Commander, Battlefield, Duty, Black, Jump, Xbox, February, Click, Epic, Unreal, LEGO, Bolt, Fate, Fantasy, Test, Revolution, Last, Every, Far Cry, After, Grab, Paper, While, Been, Kickstarter, Black Ops, Down, Code, Blue, Also, Colonial, Borderlands, Devil, Devil May, Rage, Mega, Planet, Gears, The Last, Duke Nukem, Nukem, Destiny, Though, Billy, January, Gearbox, Mega Man, April, Washington, Souls, Kingdom, Fighter, Street Fighter, Uncharted, Tales, Most, Square, Final, Zero, Guardian, Last Guardian, Final Fantasy, Luigi, Media, DICE, Human, Human Revolution, MORE, Karl, Earth, Star Trek, Creation, Quantic, Dreams, XCOM, Enemy, Marvel, Little, Cute, Zombies, Frostbite, Dishonored, York, Telltale, Edge, Origins, Dark Souls, Director, Worlds, Twitter, Soul, Despite, Class, Ghosts, Iron, Xbox One, Insomniac, During
| You are legend in Destiny, these popular actors are just bit parts
Added: 15.09.2015 21:55 | 222 views | 0 comments
Let's face it: Destiny's voice actors don't have much they can chew into. In the year since its release, Destiny's expansions - including the megaton additions in - have done a lot to flesh out the story, but you won't find too many long monologues or gripping dramatic scenes throughout the cinematic plot. You may not even realize how many instantly recognizable actors are part of Destiny's cast, which is full of talent that in hindsight seems startlingly underutilized.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of every voice actor in Destiny - just the ones you'll definitely recognize, even if you didn't identify their voice right away. Peter Dinklage's performance as your Ghost may be , but these roles will continue to be a part of your daily Destiny routine. Knowing who reads the lines for the many supporting characters in Bungie's massively multiplayer universe could make you see those bit players in a whole new light.
In Destiny, he's: The head honcho for the Hunter class, this Exo is the guy to talk to whenever you need Hunter armor or a pep-talk on fighting the good fight. He's also crucial to the overarching story content in The Taken King.
But you probably know him better You've got at least starter-level nerd cred if you instantly recognize Nathan Fillion as Malcolm Reynolds, the rugged, dashing captain of the ragtag crew in Firefly and its film follow-up Serenity. He's also gained mainstream recognition as the lead on Castle, where he plays a crime-solving author, as well as roles in cult classics like Slither and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Judging by Fillion's numerous appearances in the Halo series, it's safe to say the folks at Bungie have a thing for Captain Hammer - and really, who could blame them?
In Destiny, she's: Warlocks know to visit this soft-spoken sage for any class-specific quests and gear whenever they stop by the Tower.
But you probably know her better Like Fillion, Torres is an alumni from the cast of Firefly/Serenity, where she played the ship's second-in-command (and distinguished crackshot) Zoe Washburne. Fans of TV drama might also recognize her from Alias and 24; more recently, Torres has played key roles as Jessica Pearson on Suits or Bella Crawford on Hannibal.
In Destiny, he's: Rounding out the Vanguard trinity at the Tower's command center, Zavala tutors Titans and doles out some early story quests.
But you probably know him better Reddick's distinct, baritone voice exudes authority, which surely helped him nail iconic roles as Phillip Broyles on Fringe and the pivotal Lt. Cedric Daniels on HBO's The Wire. He's also had some brief stints on Law Order, Lost, and Oz. Nowadays, you can catch Reddick on Bosch and the upcoming Quantum Break TV show that ties in with the game.
In Destiny, she's: One of the most mysterious (and still unexplained) parts of Destiny's main story, the Exo Stranger keeps tabs on your Guardian and eventually rewards them with a legendary pulse rifle.
But you probably know her better Fans of AMC's The Walking Dead will surely recognize Cohan as Maggie Greene, one of the most crucial survivors in the whole series. Cohan's also made appearances on Chuck, The Vampire Diaries, and Supernatural.
In Destiny, he's: The overseer of all things PvP in Destiny, Shaxx is the one narrating your team's every triumph (and failure) during each match in the Crucible.
But you probably know him better James is another recognizable face from The Walking Dead, where he plays one of Rick Grimes' earliest allies, Morgan Jones. James is also the lead of the new ER drama Critical, Robert Hawkins on Jericho, and the bumbling criminal Sol in Guy Ritchie's cult classic Snatch.
In Destiny, he's: Because that giant white orb known as The Traveller has a hard time chatting with Guardians, The Speaker is there to act as its surrogate quest-giver/speech-maker.
But you probably know him better Nighy's been in countless films and shows dating all the way back to the '80s, but his most mainstream roles include the washed-up rocker Billy Mack in Love Actually and the tentacle-faced Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean series. You may also recognize him from his parts in Hot Fuzz, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the primary villain Viktor in the Underworld franchise.
In Destiny, he's: A mild-mannered vendor representing the New Monarchy faction (with no known relation to Metal Gear Solid godfather Hideo Kojima).
But you probably know him better Remar's another veteran actor, with dozens of on-camera and voiceover roles under his belt. You most likely recognize him as father figure and imaginary confidant Harry Morgan on Dexter; he's also had some great turns on animated shows such as Ben 10 and The Legend of Korra. And I'll never forget his breakout role as the smarmy tough guy Ajax in The Warriors.
In Destiny, he's: Another peripheral vendor hanging around the Tower, representing the black-and-white-centric Dead Orbit faction.
But you probably know him better This Swedish actor's unmistakable mug has shown up all over the place, but most will know him from his roles in films by the Coen brothers, where he played the short-tempered crook Gaear in Fargo and a ferret-owning nihilist/porn star in The Big Lebowski. He's also a crucial character on Prison Break, and his lent his pipes to several other video games including and both of the Mercenaries games.
In Destiny, she's: As one of the most trusted servants of Mara Sov, queen of the Awoken, Petra Venj is the vendor for the Queen's Wrath faction.
But you probably know her better Just as Matt Stone and Trey Parker provide the voices for most of the characters on the profane cartoon megahit South Park, Stewart does the voices for the lion's share of the female cast, including iconic Colorado citizens Wendy Testaberger, Sharon Marsh, and Liane Cartman. That's right: Cartman's mom is one of the Reef's most trusted intermediaries.
In Destiny, she's: Depending on which race you choose during character creation, this could be the very voice of your personal Guardian.
But you probably know her better Griffin (who's often credited as Grey DeLisle) has hundreds of voiceovers to her name, including lead roles on classic cartoons such as Mandy on The Grim Adventures of Billy Mandy, Vicky of The Fairly Oddparents, and Frankie Foster on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. But avid gamers should recognize her distinctive voice as Catwoman from the Batman: Arkham franchise, Kitana and Mileena in , and the female Wizard in Diablo 3.
In Destiny, she's: If you prefer to make your female Guardian avatar to align with your real-world species, this is what she'll sound like.
But you probably know her better Eisenberg's distinct, strong voice has made her the perfect Wonder Woman throughout the many iterations of the Justice League animated series. She also plays a smattering of voices in Skyrim and the dreadlocked renegade Ashelin Praxis in the Jak and Daxter series.
In Destiny, he's: Known primarily as Destiny's #1 troll, Master Rahool is the Tower-stationed Cryptarch who identifies all your precious engrams, and will inevitably turn one of your precious, purple legendary engrams into a piddly, common, green piece of gear at some point.
But you probably know him better Avari has a wealth of supporting roles in his credits, including blockbusters like Stargate, The Mummy, and Independance Day. Personally, I adore his turn as a lackey with a heart of gold in Mr. Deeds. Yes, the one with Adam Sandler.
In Destiny, he's: This cloaked Exo vendor offers Guardians a wide selection of weaponry and ammo in the Tower, and is worth visiting on a weekly basis.
But you probably know him better John DiMaggio also played another famous robot, albeit one with a fouler mouth: Bender, of Futurama fame. He's another legendary voice actor credited with hundreds of roles, but some of his most iconic include Jake the Dog from Adventure Time and Marcus Fenix from the Gears of War series.
In Destiny, he's: You'll often find visitors to the Tower milling around this 'bot, given that he's the source of all those XP-boosting Bounties. You likely won't be visiting him quite as often in The Taken King, as you can now turn in completed Bounties from any location (thank God).
But you probably know him better Keating is best known as Malcolm Reed on Star Trek: Enterprise and Andrew Tyge on Prison Break. But to me, he'll always be Kormac the Templar, my most loyal follower in Diablo 3.
Tags: Hack, Dead, Mask, Star, Trek, Gear, Daly, Walking, The Walking, Jump, Metal, Metal Gear, Solid, Hideo, Live, Another, Fate, Captain, Grab, Stone, Hunter, Legend, Ghost, Rick, John, Code, Lots, Hold, Master, Guild, Gears, Destiny, Billy, Souls, Woman, Wonder Woman, Wonder, Reef, Gear Solid, James, Tower, Guardian, Adventure, Bungie, Adds, Peter, Skyrim, Because, Quantic, Shack, Diablo, Jack, Adventures, Arkham, Along
| Bret Hart and Jake #39;The Snake#39; Roberts join WWE-2K16. Full roster inside
Added: 10.09.2015 16:40 | 106 views | 0 comments
UPDATE for September 10: With two Royal Rumble’s worth of wrestlers revealed over the last fortnight, WWE 2K16’s grappler count stands at 109 – with freshly unveiled debutants including Haku, Kama Mustafa, and the Vaudevillains. We’ve updated the gallery to include every wrestler and diva announced so far.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: While Yuke's' official WWE series has garnered mixed reviews in recent years, one area it’s always strong in is attention to detail outside of the ring, specifically arenas, wrestler entrances, and t-shirts worn by members of the crowd. In fact that latter apparel-based matter has become a flawless, ambient tie-up with each game's roster over the years. Simply, if a WWE superstar or diva is in the game, so too is their official merchandise, and vice versa. As a result, 2K’s recent of Finn Balor and Seth Rollins’ entrances inadvertently blows a good deal more future reveals, unveiling - at least to eagle-eyed fans - another 22 roster members in WWE 2K16 who haven’t yet been ‘officially’ announced.
With more than 120 wrestlers featured in the upcoming edition, there’s been a clamour for stars both old and new to join current-era combatants like John Cena and Randy Orton. And on this evidence, 2K and Yuke’s have delivered. Stalwarts The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and The Rock are joined by the returning Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart, while NXT standouts Baron Corbin, Enzo Amore and Charlotte are among this year’s debutants. For all 22 in-game characters unveiled in this way, and an updated list of every guy and gal revealed so far, read on…
Last year the WCW legend made his WWE game debut as a pre-order incentive, ahead of his first ever in-ring appearance for the company against Triple H at WrestleMania 31. He lost that particular match, but there’s better news on the virtual front, with this unmistakable tee confirming his spot in WWE 2K16.
Eater of worlds, new face of fear, and king of the rambling nonsensical promo, Bo Dallas’s real-life big bro has spent the year racking up victories against Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Roman Reigns before realigning with ‘family’ member Luke Harper. His return to the series after debuting last year, then, is hardly a surprise – but it’s still pleasing to have it confirmed.
Grease is the word? Meh. Try ‘woo’. That blue shirt we’ve zoomed in on here is unmistakably the ‘If you’re gonna do it, do it with Flair’ number , and former NXT Women’s champ, throughout this year. Joining her on the 2K16 roster are fellow WWE Hall Of Famer offspring: Jimmy and Jey Uso, sons of stinkface-rocking Too Cool dance buddy Rikishi.
NXT champion for much of 2015, the artist formerly known as Kevin Steen burst onto the WWE scene proper at Elimination Chamber with a five-star match against John Cena, from which he emerged victorious. Subsequent losses to WWE’s answer to Superman have dampened his heat since, but you’ll at least be able to enact revenge with Mr Pop-up Powerbomb in 2K16.
Still finding his feet in NXT, former NFL lineman Tom Pestock recently turned heel after an unsuccessful babyface run in which even former ECW favourite Rhyno failed to make him interesting. Still, there’s raw potential here – and if Corbin does make it to Raw over the next 12 months, you’ll be able to promote him similarly in-game.
Seriously injured in a match with Samoa Joe earlier this year, it’s strongly rumoured that Kidd may never wrestle again – which would be a huge shame after he and Cesaro’s innovative tag team run earlier in 2015. You’ll at least be able to reunite the pair within 2K16 – or place either in technical masterclasses against the man consider some to be the greatest ever, Shawn ‘HBK’ Michaels.
Currently used in a part-time role due to husband Tyson Kidd’s aforementioned neck knack, many experts still consider the daughter of Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart to be WWE’s best in-ring female performer. Fancy seeing her embark upon a second, much-deserved Divas Championship reign? In 2K16, that power is yours.
Cody Rhodes has appeared in multiple previous WWE titles, but his alter-ego Stardust was omitted from last year’s iteration after his character switch occurred after roster finalisation. No such problem this time around. We expect brother and on-off rival Goldust – currently out injured, but still contracted to WWE – to be revealed imminently, too.
Underwhelming fan reaction at the turn of the year turned the man being groomed as John Cena Mk II into the 2015 reincarnation of Lex Luger. Which is a shame, as even an overexposed Reigns is 100 times more bearable in main events than 73 year-old Kane or 73 stone Big Show. Like him or not, he’ll be one of 2K16’s most powerful competitors.
Altogether now: ‘der-dum, dum, dum dum dum, der-dum, dum, dum dum dum…’ The beast is back in 2K16, as he had to be: no WWE performer has been as dominant over the last two years as the former UFC champ. We still await confirmation of ‘associate’ Paul Heyman’s return as a manager, but – like Lesnar’s opponents after a Brock beating – it’s a no-brainer.
Again, no surprises here. The man who was once Nicky in the Spirit Squad is now something of a WWE veteran (although we wish he’d revert to being a heel), while ‘Taker has appeared in every single one of the series’ games since it launched on PS1, as WWF Smackdown, in 2000.
Treading water since his brilliant team run with ‘stunt double’ Damien Mizdow ended, 2K16 will afford you the opportunity to turn back time and reunite that pairing – before having the star-making (in Mizdow’s case) break-up never afforded the twosome in the actual WWE. (Their eventual storyline feud was a lazily written afterthought.)
On the shelf since May with a busted shoulder, the indie darling formerly known as El Generico is unlikely to return to a WWE ring until the spring of next year. His inclusion in 2K16, then, is wonderful news for anyone looking to resuscitate the outstanding feud between Zayn and best frienemy Kevin Owens.
When GamesRadar attended NXT live in San Jose ahead of this year’s WrestleMania, no single act was cheered as fervently as the New Jersey based tag team with the contemporary New Age Outlaws schtick. Among diehard fans, there’s no doubt their 2K debut will be welcomed with equal rapture.
Sure, the shirt design is slightly different from those you can buy new, but there’s still no mistaking that this bit of apparel belongs to Calgary, Alberta, Canada’s finest son. How can we be certain? 1. The pink. 2. The skull. 3. The words ‘BRET’ and ‘HART’ emblazoned across it.
For a few months in 2014 the former Leo Kruger looked set to carve himself out a tidy niche as WWE’s comedic curtain-raiser, until a feud with ‘The Bunny’ – yes, as in a bloke in a furry costume – wrecked his credibility. Now in his mid-‘30s, the odds on this being his last 2K appearance seem troublingly short.
22 years after the Alpine-sized Frenchman’s passing, Andre remains one of the most famous names in wrestling. At 7ft tall and 520lbs, he’s the biggest superstar in this year’s game, and the inclusion of Haku enables the reformation of one of WWE’s all-time strangest couplings – one which held the tag titles for four months in early 1990.
Another year, another repackaging for the only Preston North End fan ever to grace wrestling’s big leagues. This time around he’s King Barrett, although you’re unlikely to see him onscreen again in the immediate future – he’s currently back in the UK filming the new WWE Studios movie Eliminators.
It’s now more than a year since Big Dave’s last match, a barnstorming six-man melee between Evolution and The Shield at Payback 2014. He’s since earned rave reviews as Drax in Guardians Of The Galaxy, and will play the main villain in next Bond flick Spectre – making 2K16 the only way to see him in a WWE ring anytime soon.
Nikki Bella – AKA Mr John Cena – was never expected to miss out on 2K16 after holding the Divas Championship since November of last year, and twin Brie’s been an equally prominent performer on Raw and Smackdown. Still, accomplice Alicia Fox’s return after missing out last year is a mite unexpected, although very much welcome.
Alas, the ‘please retire’ chants which accompany every slow Show snooze-a-thon aren’t likely to find their way into 2K16 – derogatory fan chants are an area where WWE isn’t seeking believability. And to be fair, his power-packed move set makes him way more fun to play as in-game than he is to watch in real life.
Irwin R Schyster’s baby boy has been treading water for the last few months, reduced to comedy jobber status and obliterated by Brock Lesnar and The Rock, to name two. A link-up with real-life older sibling Bray Wyatt would instantly revitalise him, but WWE clearly isn’t interested in such a natural tandem. No matter: put them together in the game instead.
Now firmly entrenched as a member of the WWE commentary team, T nonetheless remains active on the company’s virtual roster despite not having had a match since WrestleMania 28 – more than three years ago. This will be his 26th video game appearance dating back to PS1’s WCW Nitro in 1997.
Shockingly, it’s 13 years since Davey Boy Smith – and yes, that is his real middle name – marched off to the great squared circle in the sky. Yet he remains one of the most famous Brit grapplers ever, and his inclusion here enables fans to relive perhaps the greatest Intercontinental Title bout of all time: his titanic tilt with brother-in-law Bret Hart at Summerslam 1992.
Naomi’s former Funkadactyls partner has been lost in the mix during the summer’s ‘Divas Revolution’, with NXT call-ups such as Charlotte and Sasha Banks rendering her something of an irrelevance. Yet her involvement here is welcome, if only as cannon fodder for those more talented dames.
Y2K chooses to wrestle on a part-time basis these days, splitting his schedule between WWE house shows and rock projects with his band, Fozzy. But a riveting curtain-raiser against Brit newcomer Neville, in a Tokyo Dome show broadcast on the WWE Network, showed he’s lost none of the ability that made him the first ever unified world champion.
The son of Curt ‘Mr Perfect’ Hennig earned himself a surge of fan support earlier this year with his ‘Axelmania’ tribute to Hulk Hogan – only to disappear entirely after a racism row saw all Hulkster references consigned to history by WWE. He’ll likely have a better 2016 in videogame arenas than real life ones.
Like Axel, Sandow’s push was immediately curtailed by the Hulk Hogan race row – he’d been teaming with ‘Axelmania’ as Randy Savage parody Macho Mandow. It’s back to generic theme tune and appearance, then, for one of WWE’s most under-utilised talents (and best mic performers) as 2K16 cartwheels into view.
Ack, that likeness. DDP had, by some margin, the worst-modelled hair in all of WWE 2K15, so let’s hope co-developer Yuke’s have put time into fixing that. If so, a legend vs legend-killer feud with Randy Orton surely beckons – Page’s Diamond Cutter finisher is almost identical to the Viper’s deadly RKO.
A second injury-plagued year on the spin has led some to speculate that wrestling’s most beloved babyface may have contested his final match, although he denies such claims. While the wait for a real-life comeback goes on, at least his videogame inclusion provides the opportunity for more title wins and five-star bouts with old indie circuit nemesis Cesaro.
The one-time Shield member – and Mr Renee Young – won the biggest belt of all at Elimination Chamber, only for the decision to be reversed due to referee shenanigans. He’s had barely a sniff of gold since, but be assured that many fans’ first move after grabbing the new game will be to follow through on the title switch WWE refused to let stand.
Strangely, 2K hasn’t yet confirmed the inclusion of Gunn’s New Age Outlaws tag partner, Road Dogg Jesse James. That seems likely to happen in the coming weeks; for now, crotch chop yourself silly over the news that these two members of DX have their tickets on this year’s grapple train booked, printed and in the first class post.
The kings of the ladder match are both now sadly retired, although have been known to make the odd appearance on Raw. Christian still elicits chants for ‘one more match’, but the Rated-R Superstar is definitely done for good after a number of serious neck injuries. Thankfully, you can un-retire him in the virtual ring instead.
Without lowering the tone, this import from the land of Neighbours might have the best body in WWE – so it always seemed insane that WWE saddled her with a wacky outfit and dancing idiot gimmick. Now restyled – literally and figuratively – in NXT, she’s set for a kickass 12 months on both the real and virtual stage.
Miss ‘All Red Everything’ is WWE’s pet project in the developmental NXT brand, much to the annoyance of hardcore fans who (correctly) insist she can’t wrestle. Still, in a year where the most of the contemporary roster is returning from 2015, even the most bitter critic will rejoice at seeing another series debutant.
After numerous failed stints as a bad guy, the fleet-footed former Johnny Curtis finally embraced the fans this year, to an overwhelmingly positive reaction. Which lasted two weeks. Reckon you can book him better than Vinny Mac and co? Boot up WWE Universe mode and get to work.
This shillelagh-wielding Irishman experienced a series of Indian summers between 2005 and 2009, turning in hard-hitting contests with Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio and Bobby Lashley, to name three. Sadly, his videogame likeness stems from much longer ago – his WCW stint saddled with dodgy leather jacket and awful mullet. Sigh.
The reigning NXT champion was the first wrestler revealed for this year’s game, thanks largely to his elaborate ring entrance – which Yuke’s have recreated with a surgical eye for detail. It helps, of course, that the Irishman made himself available for mo-cap duties. One of 2K16’s most exciting newcomers.
How quickly times change. This time last year The Bizarre One was a fixture on WWE TV alongside brother Cody, who together formed one of the company’s freshest duos in years. But a lacklustre break-up storyline saw fans lose interest in both ahead of WrestleMania – before an April injury condemned Goldust to months on the shelf. First priority for WWE 2K16, then: the reunification of the Brothers Rhodes.
This must rank as the biggest shock inclusion of all – a high-kicking Tongan machine who hasn’t been seen in a WWE game since Raw on the original Xbox. The only shame is that his return comes a couple of years too late to team him with son Camacho, who departed WWE last year and now wrestles as Micah in rival fed TNA.
Bray Wyatt’s longstanding henchmen reunited in May, ending Rowan’s experimental run as a babyface. A fresh link-up with Wyatt was expected soon after, until a bicep tear sent Rowan to rehab and opened up a spot in Bray’s ‘family’ for newcomer Braun Strowman. The latter’s call-up came too late for him to make the 2K16 cut, however, so the ginger one will have to make do for those wishing to reconcile the cultish clan.
After the dismissal of 3MB squad-mates Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre, Slater’s days in WWE seemed numbered – but mercifully, company bosses appear to recognise that he’s one of the best enhancement talents it has. And who knows: now he’s been restored to the videogame roster, perhaps the odd victory or three isn’t out of the question.
Not even 14 glorious years in Japan were enough to fast-track Kenta Kobayashi to WWE’s main roster; just like all other new signings, he was first dispatched to developmental territory NXT and given an unfamiliar name. A persistent shoulder injury has further delayed his chances of promotion, but this videogame debut should provide a measure of comfort.
WWE’s resident Elvis impersonator was consistently hopeless as an in-ring performer – but that even didn’t prevent him carrying the Intercontinental Championship for 454 days after defeating Ricky Steamboat in June 1987, a record that still stands. That feat alone just about justifies his insertion here.
Most found the former Acolyte’s WWE Championship reign to be the perfect cure for insomnia, yet a switch to the commentary desk has transformed Layfield from humdrum villain to cult hero. Listen out for the comedic cow moo just after his music kicks in – an ingeniously subtle nod to his Texan upbringing.
Next year will mark the All-American American’s ninth in WWE, but his star has fallen a fair distance since his 2010 World Heavyweight Championship reign. Indeed, many assumed he was gone for good after deleting his Twitter account earlier in the summer, but he’s still holding on to a roster spot – and thus makes the cut for this year’s game.
Personal problems plagued the real life Aurelian Smith Jr for decades, as showcased in 1999 documentary Beyond The Mat. But moving in with fellow grappler (and yoga guru) Diamond Dallas Page sparked a change of mindset, and luck – The Snake was inducted into the Hall Of Fame in 2014, and makes a triumphant return to WWE games here as a result.
Back in August, we confirmed Bret Hart before anyone else thanks to some T-shirt rated super-sleuthery – and now the Hitman’s tag partner (and brother-in-law) is also invited to the pink-and-black party. It’s crushing news for Erick Rowan, who can no longer claim the fictional-but-real-to-us in-game title of ‘bestest ginger beard’.
Whisper it, but the much-maligned WWE answer to Superman has been the company’s MVP this year. His feud with Rusev far surpassed expectations, and a summer series against Kevin Owens delivered two of 2015’s standout matches. His knockers remain critical, but few deserve their placing here more than Mr Wash-Your-Mouth-Like-Colgate.
Masked, unmasked, masked, unmasked… Kane’s status in WWE these days essentially equates to being an unsubtle Scooby Doo villain. For this year’s 2K outing, he’s back to the shaven-head-and-scary-eyed look – but you can bet that there’ll be a version of his masked character available for unlocking as part of the Steve Austin showcase mode.
He’s bad, he’s bad, he’s really, really… angry when you try to summarise him using Michael Jackson lyrics. Probably. The ass-kicking, ankle-breaking former UFC champ’s last series appearance came in WWE 2K13, where we had him link-up with pretend porn star Val Venis in a tandem called ‘Shamrock Hard’. You can have that one for free, Vince.
With Hulk Hogan and Scott Hall both in WWE’s naughty books, the once-famed NWO is reduced to a one-man army in this year’s official game. You won’t have to wait long to reunite the dastardly trio, mind – more creative options than ever mean fan versions of both Hulkster and Razor will inevitably be available within days of release. Phew.
Recently retired, WWE’s first diva search winner departs the company in style with a series comeback after surprisingly missing out in 2K15. And you’ll need her if you plan to bring back the Women’s Championship in Universe mode – the title was retired in 2010, but she’s technically the reigning belt-holder.
The Narcissist’s 1993 repackaging as an American hero, complete with a flag-trumpeting tour bus called the Lex Express, remains one of WWE’s greatest mis-steps. Yet the mulleted muscle-man //did// have a successful run in WCW prior to that. Foes Ric Flair and Sting’s inclusions here provide a welcome chance to relive those halcyon days.
Tougher than a decade-old stick of Blackpool Rock, this wily British vet adheres to a strictly-offscreen brief these days as general manager of NXT. Even so, grap fans will delight in his making the roster as it sets up hard-hitting, hold-heavy dream matches with his most famous protege, Daniel Bryan – a man who wears burgundy in Regal’s honour.
After a promising Raw debut the night after WrestleMania, Kalisto and Sin Cara found their opportunities limited throughout the summer months. Even so, both have movesets which lend themselves perfectly to high-flying videogame insanity. Recommendation: Stick them up against Kidd and Cesaro and let the lunatic high spots unfold.
Having gone the entire noughties without appearing in a WWE game, Savage is now considered a series regular. This will be his third consecutive appearance – although last year, unlike in 2K14, it came without ex-wife and manager Miss Elizabeth by his side. Hopefully that’s rectified this time around.
After retracting his likeness from last year’s game because he felt the royalties were insufficient, Mick returns for 2K16 – and he’s clearly happy with the potential paycheque this time, as all three of his famous characters are in. That means Dude Love, Mankind, Cactus Jack… and sad times for long-term rival Triple H.
You can’t have a bespoke Stone Cold mode without his arch-enemy coming to the party armed with Popeye biceps and a three-sizes-too-small wife-beater. The big boss just turned 70 in real life, but in-game he looks not a day over 45 – just young enough for a few more bloody tussles with the bad-ass bald beardie.
The announcement of these ‘Team BAD’ members is good news… so long as it’s followed-up by confirmation that stablemate Sasha Banks is in too. Banks is WWE’s best female wrestler right now, and the game won’t feel complete without her to grapple rivals such as Paige and Charlotte. Cross your fingers and watch this space.
D-Lo Brown! Kama Mustafa! Faarooq! Now 2K really is spoiling us. This late-nineties’ faction helped The Rock become a bona fide grap legend, but as a collective have been absent from WWE’s virtual offerings for more than a decade. “Finally… the trio… has come back… to the pretend-o-ring!” as The Great One would, uh, never actually say.
Newcastle’s pocket rocket took his WWE videogame bow this time last year, and soon followed that up with a promotion from NXT to the main roster. Now established as the company’s premier high-flyer, his supremely acrobatic moveset should mean lots of online use – and a disheartening amount of top-rope move spamming.
The leader of Team PCB (it stands for Paige, Charlotte and Becky – original, no?) hasn’t been able to wrestle Nikki Bella’s Divas Championship away in 2015, but remains the most popular lady on the roster. Sadly, she’s not yet cut a promo based upon follow Norwich madam Delia Smith’s infamous ‘let’s beeee ‘avin you’ halftime rant at Carrow Road.
Titus O’Neil is another of the E’s most overlooked all-rounders – although over the summer he and Darren Young did finally score the tag title run they should have been granted years ago. Better together than they ever were as solo combatants, don’t make the same mistake WWE did by placing them in a flat, lazily-booked break-up storyline.
The man once known as K-Kwik has had an uneventful 2015, with his one major fued – against King Barrett – petering out after something like 41 identical matches. His likeness, however, is one of WWE 2K16’s most accurate, which should ensure he gets a decent quota of match time over the coming months.
Our recommendation for what to do as soon as you boot up WWE 2K16: jump into Universe Mode and switch the Viper back to being a heel. Orton’s best work has always been delivered to fan jeers, and his methodical, even ponderous, moveset is a much better fit for a nefarious bad guy.
Woo! With daughter Charlotte appearing in a WWE game for the first time, there was no way Yuke’s could omit this Limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheeling-dealing son of a gun – giving you the opportunity to add to his 16 previous World Championship reigns, should you so wish. Come on, one more for the road: Woooo!
The Ravishing one enjoyed a storied career, from unforgettable feuds with Jake Roberts and the Ultimate Warrior, to a reinvention as DX’s original manager and mouthpiece. He sadly passed away in 1999, but features here for the second year in a row: potentially facilitating an unlikely reunion with Shawn Michaels and Triple H.
Stiiiiink-face! Daddy Uso’s finisher, in which he introduces his ample backside to a fallen foe’s grill, is as low brow and downright immature as wrestling gets… so naturally, we’re delighted to see him, and said cheek-to-cheek move, return to the series. We give it five matches before you’re inflicting it on John Cena.
The second coming of Skip Sheffield looked to be a spectacular one when, in 2012, a long unbeaten run propelled Ryback into a WWE Championship match with CM Punk. But the company ditched the idea of giving him the gold, and fans lost interest. Finally regaining traction as the reigning Intercontinental Champion, he’ll be one of the highest rated brawlers in 2K16.
The Cobra-brandishing Italian (who’s actually from, er, Ontario) officially retired through injury in June of 2014. Yet rumours of a comeback have persisted, and will only be strengthened by him appearing in WWE 2K16 despite not featuring on Raw or Smackdown since the turn of the year.
A major frustration with WWE 2K15 was Rollins being stuck with his old Shield attire and theme – particularly grating given that he’s been WWE World Heavyweight Champion since cashing in his Money In The Bank contract at WrestleMania 31. His new(ish) attire and theme do make 2K16, but it still grates that we’ve had to wait 12 months for them.
Vince’s son and heir shockingly exited WWE in 2013 for a new career away from wrestling. Many assumed, therefore, that he’d never be seen in a videogame again; making his confirmation for 2K16 a huge, yet very welcome, shock. But will he ally with sister Steph or kickstart a furious blood feud? That choice is yours, and yours alone.
The fighting Irishman and 2015 Money In The Bank victor has been a series mainstay for more than half a decade, yet this will be the first 2K game to feature his updated mohican hairstyle and signficantly-better-yet-still-a-bit-rubbish entrance music. A power-laden moveset should make him more fun to play than watch.
This nefarious trio infamously faced off against Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior in a handicap match at Summerslam ’91, which has aged terribly – and it was hardly a classic in the first place. Still, with more good guys than bad appearing as 2K16 legends, it’s handy to have three pantomime villains to knock into shape.
With more than forty WWE games on his CV, Triple H sitting this one out was never feasible. But it’s still ace news to have wife Stephanie McMahon returning as a playable character, particularly with the company teasing a match against all-conquering UFC goddess Ronda Rousey at next year’s WrestleMania.
As Rusev’s main squeeze and Lana’s big rival, this former Lingerie Football League star (yes, really) is in the midst of her most noteworthy WWE storyline since being called up from NXT in 2013. Alas, developer time constraints means it’s her old, pre-Bulgarian-Brute character model that’s utilised in WWE 2K16.
No, that isn’t a typo: WWE 2K16 sees the wrestling videogame debut of one Mr A. Schwarzenegger, as the game’s main pre-order incentive. His inclusion stems from a collaboration with Triple H at this year’s WrestleMania, in which the Cerebral Assassin was accompanied to the ring by a legion of murderous cyborgs.
Yes, that is man in a feather boa. And yes, he is carrying a selfie stick. Channeling character elements of Dino Bravo, The Model Rick Martel, Shawn Michaels and The Miz, Breeze is picking up steam as one of NXT’s brightest talents – and a main roster call-up to mirror this first WWE game appearance can’t be far away.
We’re still not over Warrior’s untimely death shortly after 2014’s WrestleMania, but his inclusion in the WWE game for a third straight year at least keeps his memory alive. Sadly, Hulk Hogan’s removal means no way to relive their WrestleMania VI classic; those wishing to do that will need to backtrack to WWE 2K14.
Yes, we’ve paired them together, simply because they’re the two most athletic big men ever to set foot in the squared circle. The twosome notably aligned to face the Steiner Brothers in Japan in 1992, but Bigelow’s death in 2007 sadly prevents them from ever doing so again. In real life, anyway. Handy things, these “videogames”.
It’s been a month that Aiden English and Simon Gotch would likely describe as splendiferous. The theatrical twosome snared gold for the first time the night before Summerslam, defeating Blake Murphy for the NXT tag titles, and now their first appearances in a WWE video game have been confirmed too. Take a bow, boys.
Woo, woo, woo… he’s back. Fans were, quite rightly, incensed last year when the Hype Bro was left off the roster – no doubt because WWE has never valued him as highly as his 1.7 million Twitter followers. There’s no such mistake this time around, and you’d fancy his new partner Mojo Rawley to also make the cut in due course.
Well, duh. Like the great one was going to miss out on a WWE game for the first time in forever. Rocky’s inclusion rounds out the names revealed so far to 109, just a dozen-or-so short of the final line-up. That makes the full, current list (*deep breath*):
dam Rose, Aiden English, Alicia Fox, Andre The Giant, Bad News Barrett, Bam Bam Bigelow, Baron Corbin, Batista, Big Show/Paul Wight, Billy Gunn, Bo Dallas, Booker T, Bray Wyatt, Bret Hart, Brie Bella, British Bulldog, Brock Lesnar, Cameron, Cesaro, Charlotte, Chris Jericho, Christian, Col Mustafa, Colin Cassady, Curtis Axel, D-Lo Brown, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Darren Young, Damien Sandow, Diamond Dallas Page, Dolph Ziggler, Edge, Emma, Enzo Amore, Erick Rowan, Eva Marie, Fandango, Farrooq, Finn Balor, Fit Finlay, General Adnan, Goldust, Haku, Heath Slater, Hideo Itami, Honky Tonk Man, JBL, Jack Swagger, Jake Roberts, Jey Uso, Jim Neidhart, John Cena, Jimmy Uso, Kalisto, Kama Mustafa, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Kevin Nash, Kevin Owens, Layla, Leg Luger, Lord Steven Regal, Luke Harper, Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack, The Miz, Naomi, Natalya, Neville, Nikki Bella, Paige, R-Truth, Randy Orton, Randy Savage, Ric Flair, Rick Rude, Rikishi, The Rock, Roman Reigns, Ryback, Sami Zayn, Santino Marella, Seth Rollins, Sgt Slaughter, Shane McMahon, Shawn Michaels, Sheamus, Simon Gotch, Sin Cara, Stardust, Stephanie McMahon, Sting, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Summer Rae, Tamina, The Terminator, Titus O’Neil, Triple H, Tyler Breeze, Tyson Kidd, Ultimate Warrior, The Undertaker, Vader, Vince McMahon, X-Pac, Zack Ryder.
Tags: Among, Green, Sees, Studios, Superman, Torn, Steve, Hack, Dead, Paul, Evil, Dirt, World, Brave, Mask, Says, When, Lucy, Booker, Michael, Cave, With, Fuse, North, Duty, Black, Jump, Japan, Hideo, Live, First, Bolt, American, Another, Fate, Test, Last, There, Heart, After, Color, Food, Stone, While, Kids, Croft, Shop, Ultimate, Warrior, Ball, Rick, Flash, Down, League, John, Code, Lots, Bros, Cell, Championship, Fire, Mini, Billy, Roll, April, Drop, English, Most, Chris, Dallas, Skin, Enix, Huge, Month, Elizabeth, Still, Karl, Evolution, Beyond, Beyond Two, Shack, Jack, Score, David, Cute, Snake, Tale, Titan, Twitter, Yours, September, Summer
| Resident Evil 0 Wesker Mode Trailer
Added: 02.09.2015 20:18 | 63 views | 0 comments
Relive the horror as Resident Evil's original bad boy, Albert Wesker, in the all-new Wesker Mode. Wesker will fill in for Billy Coen, and will be joined by Rebecca Chambers in an all-new, themed costume.
| Resident Evil 0 Wesker Mode Trailer
Added: 02.09.2015 20:18 | 65 views | 0 comments
Relive the horror as Resident Evil's original bad boy, Albert Wesker, in the all-new Wesker Mode. Wesker will fill in for Billy Coen, and will be joined by Rebecca Chambers in an all-new, themed costume.
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