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Dragon Age: Inquisition Review - Gameplanet

Added: 28.11.2014 1:15 | 4 views | 0 comments

GP: "Dragon Age: Inquisition, in more than one sense, is a game of good and evil. There are many evils found in the game BioWare has produced, and its only through the brilliance of the good found within that it succeeds as well as it does. Here there be dragons, and questionable design choices. Never before has the opening of a game so poorly represented the quality of the adventure to follow. It plays like a chimeric hodgepodge of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Dragon Age II, and any decade-old MMO."


How to fix Dragon Age: Inquisitions nasty audio bug

Added: 27.11.2014 7:11 | 1 views | 0 comments

Dragon Age: Inquisition is an exquisite game, but it isnt without its problems. Lazygamer ran into a handful during their review, but lately theyve been cropping up more and more. The most annoying one by far is a little audio glitch that strips the game of all its sound effects, and sometimes crashes dialogue entirely. BioWare has yet to fix it, but there are some ways around it.


'Dragon Age Inquisition' Review [Game Rant]

Added: 27.11.2014 4:11 | 9 views | 0 comments

Andrew Dyce of Game Rant writes: "Boasting an open world that could only have been possible with brand new hardware (and years of work) and a story that illustrates the strengths and eccentricities BioWare has made their trademark, Inquisition is not only the most cohesive expression of the Dragon Age series to date, but without question one of the best games of this year, and one of (if not the) best open world RPGs in years."


Dragon Age: Inquisition review - Gamestm

Added: 26.11.2014 15:11 | 3 views | 0 comments

Gamestm: "It turns out the age-old claim of developers listening to the fans isnt a complete crock of mabari dung, if Dragon Age: Inquisition is anything to go by. For a long while now weve been hearing that the team at BioWare had taken on board feedback from a vociferous community but its very easy, and rather logical, to dismiss said claim as just more marketing bunkum; the kind of claptrap spouted by any company on a PR offensive. In actuality, it feels good to be proven wrong."


Dragon Age: Inquisition | AUTOMATON Review

Added: 25.11.2014 8:12 | 3 views | 0 comments

AUTOMATON's Charles Battersby reviews Dragon Age: Inquisition - the beautiful and epic new title from BioWare and Electronic Arts.


SWTOR New Revan Returns Trailer

Added: 25.11.2014 2:11 | 9 views | 0 comments

BioWare just released a new trailer for the upcomming expansion for Star Wars: The old Republic. This trailer makes me smile so much that my face hurts But I dont care! Shae Vizla? Holy hell, where have you been since the Deceived trailer? This lady havent been in the game until now, so I bet she has some interesting stories to tell.


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