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BioWare Dev Wants Ideas for Mass Effect Trilogy Remake

Added: 07.11.2014 12:38 | 1 views | 0 comments

A senior executive at BioWare Edmonton is looking into the possibility of developing a remastered version of the Mass Effect Trilogy for next-generation systems, and wants fans to offer their ideas.

Aaryn Flynn, general manger of the BioWare studio, wrote on the games forum


BioWare shows off Dragon Age Inquisition multiplayer

Added: 07.11.2014 12:33 | 2 views | 0 comments

Developers host 90 minute co-op Twitch livestream.
BioWare hosted a Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer livestream on Twitch on Thursday, which you can rewatch below


Possible Mass Effect Trilogy PS4 and Xbox One Hint Gets Dropped by BioWare GM

Added: 07.11.2014 11:11 | 20 views | 0 comments

Earlier today, Aaryn Flynn, the GM for BioWares Edmonton Montreal studios, sent out a Tweet that has people speculating on whether or not the Mass Effect Trilogy is coming out on current-gen consoles. In his Tweet, Flynn mentions that there he currently has no news on the possibility of the Mass Effect Trilogy coming to current-gen systems, but mentions that BioWare will release any information about it when he does get some information to share


BioWare says Dragon Age: Inquisition's new focus on exploration is mind blowing

Added: 07.11.2014 1:12 | 0 views | 0 comments

BioWare has already made it very clear that exploration will play a much bigger role in Dragon Age: Inquisition than it has in past installments of the series. After recently having the opportunity to speak with BioWare's Cameron Lee in an Examiner exclusive, the Dragon Age producer shared with Examiner that the new focus on exploration will likely be one of the bigger changes that fans will notice. Lee admitted that fans have always enjoyed BioWare games for different reasons. Some play for the story while others prefer the combat. However, Lee predicts that everyone will enjoy exploring Inquisitions massive new map regardless of what else they may like about the game. It was important for the developer to add an explorationrich open world to Dragon Age: Inquisition. According to Lee, the genres shift towards exploration has become on the biggest ways that RPGs have evolved in recent years.


Celebrate Mass Effect With Tomorrow's N7 Day - IGN News

Added: 06.11.2014 19:03 | 1 views | 0 comments

BioWare is streaming a developer roundtable tomorrow, November 7th 2014, as part of its annual Mass Effect-themed N7 Day event.


Dragon Age: Inquisition Was Originally a Multiplayer-Only Game

Added: 05.11.2014 15:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Dragon Age: Inquisition, BioWare's highly anticipated upcoming action role-playing game, was originally going to be a multiplayer-only game, the developer revealed.

In an interview with GamesIndustry, executive producer Mark Darrah explained: Weirdly we actually had a project code-named Blackfoot which was the first game we had that was looking at Frostbite. It was a Dragon Age game, multiplayer only, that was in development before Dragon Age II came out. That became the core of what became Dragon Age: Inquisition, the techlines, more than any of the development, so we've actually been looking at this a long time. Oddly enough, Inquisition won't feature multiplayer in its campaign after all, as BioWare has deemed it's not quite the right time to add it to the series. Would you like to see the franchise eventually head in that direction? A Dragon Age MMO perhaps?


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