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The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Released on Xbox One

Added: 18.09.2015 19:18 | 114 views | 0 comments

The mummy returns to Aventasia


Blood Bowl II - Orcs vs. High Elves Official Gameplay Trailer

Added: 18.09.2015 18:40 | 106 views | 0 comments

The Gouged Eye take on the Galadrieth Gladiators in this game that combines American football with Warhammer.


Review: The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (PS4 Xbox One) - Defunct Games

Added: 18.09.2015 15:17 | 88 views | 0 comments

Defunct Games reviews The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, out September 22 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This point and click adventure feels like the fantasy-themed Monkey Island spin-off LucasArts forgot to make.


Cosplay and costumes at Tokyo Game Show 2015: day one

Added: 18.09.2015 14:17 | 28 views | 0 comments

DTOID: "There are so many good looking people at Tokyo Game Show that it's hard to focus on the more important six new seasonal varieties of Boss coffee that we haven't tried yet. Granted, these are professional cosplayers and booth attendees: we haven't even gotten to the madness that is consumer day, where my gaijin ass absolutely does not belong. Last year some people were very upset at me so I've met you halfway this year by not forcing you to explain how satire works to random people that surfed in from a soft porn search."

Tags: Gain, Bolt, Last, There, Shop

Overload: Picking Between the Remaining 2015 Gaming Releases

Added: 18.09.2015 12:17 | 63 views | 0 comments

Stu at Sushimonster85 writes 'Remember that first year of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One? It was pretty barren, those of us who chose to adopt early (guilty) bore the brunt of the uncertainty among game developers/publishers at the time Of course, flash-forward to today and the very notion that there things were so uncertain at one point seems crazy. Both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are outpacing the PS3 and Xbox 360, and cross-gen release consistently sells better on the newer consoles. Now were through those difficult drought days we even have games starting to come out, if anything, theres almost too many to chose from over these next three and a half months. When I tried to form a shortlist of games I (ideally) want to pick up on release day, as opposed to those I could probably wait for. I failed miserably. This shortlist is nine games long. NINE GAMES. Even if I had the financial means to keep up, there wouldnt be enough time to get through them all.'


Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection 500GB 1TB PS4 bundles for Europe

Added: 18.09.2015 9:17 | 101 views | 0 comments

Sony has confirmed European plans to Eurogamer and the good news is that you will get both 500GB and 1TB bundles. Both consoles also appear to be the new, revised PS4 hardware - the C-Series that's quieter and more power efficient. A close-up of the bundles shows model number CUH-1216A on the 500GB unit, and model number CUH-1216B on the 1TB unit, which indicates both are of the new 1200 series. The bundles arrive 9th October along with the game. The 500GB bundle is £299.99, the 1TB bundle £329.99.


The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Review A Modern Classic (PSLS)

Added: 18.09.2015 5:17 | 58 views | 0 comments

"We all see that gaming has been evolving at a rapid pace, with new ideas and expansive experiences building off one another that baffle the mind when you take a step back to admire what gaming has become. That doesnt mean that games we used to enjoy have been forgotten, however. The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 takes the old point-and-click adventure and makes it a glamorous, witty, and fulfilling version of what you once thought you knew of point-and-click adventures." - PSLS

Tags: Bolt, Review, Tales

Blood Bowl 2 Bretonnian Jousting Gameplay Trailer

Added: 18.09.2015 5:00 | 109 views | 0 comments

Orcs and High Elves clash in this footage from Blood Bowl 2.


Fight to the Death In a Human Body in Wii U Shmup Between Heartbeats

Added: 18.09.2015 4:17 | 103 views | 0 comments

Greg Micek writes: "When Between Heartbeats launched on Kickstarter earlier this week I was sure it was going to be a success. Its a shmup for Steam and the WII U with pretty graphics, smooth looking controls, and a cute gimmick that doesn't beat you over the head with education. Traveling through someones veins and shooting virulent invaders sounds great. An edgy Innerspace if you will."


Fight to the Death In a Human Body in Wii U Shmup Between Heartbeats

Added: 18.09.2015 3:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

Greg Micek writes: "When Between Heartbeats launched on Kickstarter earlier this week I was sure it was going to be a success. Its a shmup for Steam and the WII U with pretty graphics, smooth looking controls, and a cute gimmick that doesn't beat you over the head with education. Traveling through someones veins and shooting virulent invaders sounds great. An edgy Innerspace if you will."


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