Tuesday, 25 February 2025
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The Wii U makes an appearance in the latest chapter of one of Japans most popular manga

Added: 12.06.2015 18:16 | 20 views | 0 comments

Gamewots: "In this weeks chapter of Tokyo Ghoul Re, we see the characters playing what appears to be Super Smash Bros on the Wii U."

From: n4g.com

NVC: Our Smash Direct DLC Predictions

Added: 12.06.2015 17:00 | 21 views | 0 comments

IGN's Nintendo crew drops their DLC predictions for Sunday June 14th's Smash Bros Direct.

From: feeds.ign.com

Super Mario World Being Ported to the MSX2

Added: 10.06.2015 2:16 | 13 views | 0 comments

Carl Williams writes, "The MSX2 is a gaming computer that we never received here in the United States. Many of the titles that we later cherished though had great outings on this gaming computer, Metal Gear 1 and 2 being just a couple of the big releases, at least later in gaming history. We covered the fan translation ports of the MSX2 Metal Gear 1 and 2 games in our second issue, available here. As most gamers know, Nintendo has never been keen on letting their intellectual properties out to other companies for use. This could be because of the horrendous mess that Phillips made of their versions of Zelda and Mario for the CD-i. It also could be due to Hudson butchering a computer version of the original Super Mario Bros for Japanese IBM compatible computers. Either way, it is unusual to see a Nintendo bred title on a gaming computer, it is probably not an official port. That brings me to the port of Super Mario World that is in the works for the MSX2 gaming computer, right...

From: n4g.com

Price drop: $3.00 off Nintendo Amiibo Super Smash Bros Zelda Character Figure, now only $26.99

Added: 09.06.2015 11:20 | 16 views | 0 comments

Save $3.00 on Nintendo Amiibo Super Smash Bros Zelda Character Figure! The price of Nintendo Amiibo Super Smash Bros Zelda Character Figure has been dropped by $3.00, order now from ozgameshop.com with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.

From: feedproxy.google.com

Super Smash Bros. Wii U And 3DS Will Add Lucas Soon

Added: 05.06.2015 23:17 | 60 views | 0 comments

The Super Smash Bros roster is primed for another addition in just a little over a week as Nintendo announces the impending launch of Lucas DLC.

From: www.cinemablend.com

Super Dungeon Bros at E3 2015, Screens Revealed

Added: 05.06.2015 18:49 | 9 views | 0 comments

Super Dungeon Bros will be at E3 2015 at South Hall #3054

From: www.gamershell.com

Mortal Kombat X Uses DLC To Fund eSports Prizes

Added: 05.06.2015 2:16 | 36 views | 0 comments

NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment are working hard to raise the level of awareness and engagement in the fighting game community tournament scene. How are they doing that? Well, when you purchase the Blue Steel Sub-Zero Skin DLC for Mortal Kombat X it goes toward a prize pool for upcoming tournaments.

From: www.cinemablend.com

Endless Runner Blades of Brim Now Available On The App Store

Added: 04.06.2015 23:16 | 43 views | 0 comments

TTP:" A new quite interesting endless runner game has been released a few hours ago on the App Store, a game featuring some interesting twists in the formula that make it stand out from other similar games."

Tags: Runner, Bros
From: n4g.com

Brand new demo of Super Dungeon Bros to be playable at E3 2015

Added: 04.06.2015 16:16 | 5 views | 0 comments

Neil writes "Axl, Ozzie, Freddie, and Lars are waiting for you to embark on a quest and at E3 2015, you may just be able to join them!"

From: n4g.com

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