AirMech 06.07.2015 Update
Added: 08.06.2015 20:58 | 5 views | 0 comments
Build entire mech armies and join them on the battlefield in this curious mix of strategy and action
| Gamer Chatter Podcast - Episode 112: Amiibo Master
Added: 08.06.2015 14:20 | 4 views | 0 comments
Gary joins William and Edward this week for another awesome show! Gary is the Amiibo Master! He will make you envious with amiibo love! Will talks about his week in gaming and playing a lot of Zen Pinball. Gary has been busy with Bloodborne and The Witcher. Edward has been playing nothing but The Witcher and a little bit of You Must Build A Boat. This weeks Community question was: Twitch streaming Do you have favorite streamers? Do you stream yourself? Or could you not give two monkeys? The guys talk about the big news announcement this week which was great news to our ears! Please listen in and enjoy yourself!
| New To VR: Build And Create In Oculus VR Share Videogame BrickBox
Added: 07.06.2015 22:16 | 4 views | 0 comments
When Microsoft first revealed HoloLens they of course did so immediately playing one of their their videogame aces: Minecraft. The globally renowned world builder from the newly purchased Mojang helped get across the idea of an augmented reality (AR) videogame that could take your world and transform it into a canvas for adventure. Whether or not we will ever get such a game with the HoloLens system, and whether or not it will ever work at the levels shown in the promotional material remains to be seen. For those of you keen to get building though there is a today on our New To VR spotlight an Oculus VR Share title from developer Carl Taylor that might act as a bit of a distraction.
| Magayo Lotto 5.0.2 Build 1
Added: 07.06.2015 21:46 | 2 views | 0 comments
Scrutinize various statistics for various Lotto games around the world.
| E3 Predictions - Nintendo
Added: 07.06.2015 12:16 | 5 views | 0 comments
Player2 turns its crystal ball on the House that Mario Built in an effort to predict what is coming at E3 2015
| You Must Build A Boat Review | Game Mob
Added: 06.06.2015 16:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
You Must Build A Boat is a strategic match-3 game, where you shift entire rows or columns rather than singular tiles. At the top of the screen, your character is running through a dungeon and encountering monsters and treasure chests. Certain combinations of tiles will result in your characters action during his encounters. For example, matching the green tiles with the keys will unlock a treasure lock whereas the blue tiled swords will execute an attack. There is also a staff, thoughts, power and shield, each of which hold a unique action.
| Heroes Of The Storm: Super Sonya Build Guide
Added: 06.06.2015 10:16 | 6 views | 0 comments
One Angry Gamer "Heroes of the Storm is now out and available and a lot of new players are joining in on the action and getting a taste of the game for the very first time now that the game is out of beta. One of the guides helps give gamers an idea of how to work with Sonya following the number of changes since the last patch and it teaches you how to turn Sonya into a Super Sonya."
| You Must Build A Boat: Review | AppUnwrapper
Added: 05.06.2015 8:16 | 4 views | 0 comments
Appunwrapper writes: ""I never played 10000000, even though many people recommended it when I was looking for IAP-free match-three games like Hero Emblems. I just couldnt get past the graphics. But with Luca Redwoods new release, You Must Build a Boat (YMBAB),I decided to push aside my reservations based on the look of the game. And, while, I admit I thought the dragon was a camel at first (and am still not convinced otherwise), the gameplay is definitely enough to make the game worth playing despite its graphics.
| The Last Guardian? Syphon Filter? God of War 4? How PlayStation Can Steal the Show at E3 2015
Added: 05.06.2015 2:16 | 3 views | 0 comments
As part of E3 Build up on My Games Lounge the article looks at the potential new games Sony may reveal or tease at E3 2015
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