DirectX 12 Can Render "up to 12 Times More Polygons" Than DX11
Added: 01.05.2015 11:28 | 5 views | 0 comments
Direct X 12, the next graphics API for Windows devices, has been demonstrated rendering real-time graphics with "six to twelve" times more polygons than its predecessor. Speaking at the Build 2015 conference in San Francisco on Thursday, Microsoft technical fellow John Shewchuk talked through a strikingly detailed Final Fantasy PC demo that was running from a quad-SLI Digital Storm rig. The video demonstration, which graphics card giant Nvidia says "points a way through the uncanny valley", can be found below: "The thing that's really incredible about what you're seeing is just the density of data that's involved in this," Shewchuk said. In a bid to show that the demo was not pre-rendered CG, Shewchuk opened the free camera to look around the scene in real-time, as well as make various changes to the lighting. Shewchuk claimed that each scene renders about 63 million polygons. "That's about six to 12 times more than we could do with DX11," he said. He went on to claim that the textures were 8K by 8K, and that "every piece of hair is being rendered as a polygon - this isn't surface map stuff. I think it's an incredible example of just how far people are pushing big data." Nvidia said the demo was "running on four of our flagship GeForce Titan X GPUs," and described it as a "stunning example" of what can be done with Microsoft's next graphics API. Direct X 12 is due to arrive with Windows 10, which is rumoured will release in July, though no official date has been set. “Microsoft .
Tags: Force, Fantasy, Stone, John, Windows, Microsoft, San Francisco, Francisco, Build, Most, Final, Digital, Final Fantasy, Titan, Direct
New Windows 10 Trailers Show Xbox One Streaming, App and UI, Halo 5, Minecraft, and Fable Legends
Added: 01.05.2015 0:17 | 3 views | 0 comments
Microsoft just released two new trailers for Windows 10 showcased at Build 2015, and unsurprisingly, they're full of gaming, embodying the company's new-found dedication to PC gaming and its interaction with the Xbox One.
Square Enix Unveil Real Time CG Tech Demo
Added: 30.04.2015 22:17 | 2 views | 0 comments
Square Enix have today announced WITCH CHAPTER 0 a real-time tech demo that utilizes DirectX 12, a Windows10 based new generation API, at the Microsoft Build Developer Conference.