Why Gamers Love the New Elsword Dual Character Luciel
Added: 31.07.2015 1:18 | 13 views | 0 comments
There is one feature that every online rpg needs to have in their game: characters. Without these virtual avatars of the players, there would be little to no immersion in the online realm, and the gameplay would depreciate to that of old school arcade games. Almost every mmo tries to put an unique spin upon creating and playing a character in their game, but the reality is that the basic mechanics of characters are essentially the same in almost every online game. Yet Elsword has done something rather intriguing with their latest addition to their game, a character this is actually two distinct characters that work together as one.
| Latest Arkham Knight Mod Lets You Create Your Own Character To Play With
Added: 30.07.2015 10:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
ASidCAst: "Well Batman Arkham Knight just got a whole lot interesting on PC no thanks to Rocksteady. Theres a new mod in the town of Gotham that not only lets you play with any character in the game but also allows you to create your very own character. How is that possible you ask? Well, two words, Mesh-Swaping."
| Ujoy Chaos Combat: New Character Coming for the New Patch
Added: 30.07.2015 8:18 | 19 views | 0 comments
The week is a big week for Ujoys 3D mobile ARPG Chaos Combat. With the newly released character Dragoon, Chaos Combat has had its latest patch since Thursday. Now lets take a look at it!
| Making Character Choices in a Bethesda RPG
Added: 30.07.2015 4:00 | 18 views | 0 comments
IGN's Brendan Graeber and Jon Ryan discuss the finer points of committing to an RPG, then detonate a nuclear bomb for fun.
| Mafia 3 Leak Reveals Story and Character Details
Added: 29.07.2015 19:18 | 37 views | 0 comments
UpItHQ writes: "A recent Mafia 3 leak has revealed keys aspects of whats to come in terms of story. Following a major Twitter announcement made by 2K games, we now know that Mafia 3 is expected to show itself off August 5th for the first time. Many Mafia 3 leak details had surfaced in the past. Now that the game is close to seeing the light of day, we have more leaked details surfacing. This time, the Mafia 3 leaks center directly on whats to expect in terms of character and plotline."
| Top 5 Most Gruesome Video Game Character Deaths Ever
Added: 28.07.2015 17:19 | 17 views | 0 comments
Video Game character deaths come in all different shapes and sizes. This is one of the main reason parents are so skeptical on letting their kids play video games. Anyway, video game character deaths are sometimes so horrifying its a wonder if such a thing could ever really happen. Games are known to stretch imagination to the limits. That statement does not leave video game character deaths out.
| Your Destiny Character Will Stay With You for 10 Years
Added: 27.07.2015 14:26 | 24 views | 0 comments
Given that Bungie has a .
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