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Batman Arkham Knight interview: Rocksteady's Sefton Hill on story ending, Scarecrow and what's next

Added: 22.06.2015 21:15 | 15 views | 0 comments

In 2009 Rocksteady Studios released Batman: Arkham Asylum. During the height of Christopher Nolan's success with his grounded, more realistic take on the Dark Knight, Rocksteady and Warner Bros found success with their own take on the character blending together the grit and absurdity of the famed DC Comics universe. They followed it up with Arkham City in 2011 and now conclude their Batman tale with Arkham Knight, the first in the series to be released on PS4 and Xbox One. Ahead of the game's release tomorrow (23 June) IBTimes UK spoke to the game's director, co-writer and Rocksteady co-founder Sefton Hill.


12 comics to read before you play Batman: Arkham Knight

Added: 22.06.2015 19:00 | 36 views | 0 comments

is just around the corner, promising one of the biggest adventures starring the Caped Crusader yet. Plenty of villains and allies are set to make an appearance or two, and the scale can be intimidating, especially if you haven't played the rest of the Arkham series.

Thankfully, there's a way to go into this feeling a bit more prepared: comics! Batman got his start in comics, and has more than 70 years' worth of reading material for you to check out. We've highlighted some of the best and most pertinent to Arkham Knight here. Enjoy!

Okay, this is the easy, obvious one. Taking place within the Akham-verse, this official comic relates the events that take place between Batman: Arkham City and Batman: Arkham Knight. If you want to know all the lore behind Rocksteady’s tertiary game starring the Dark Knight, this is the comic you need.

If you pre-ordered Arkham Knight from GAME or GameStop, you’ll receive the Red Hood story pack DLC. But who is Red Hood, exactly? If you want to know that, this comic will give you your answers. As is typical with comics though, Under The Hood weaves in and out of other story arcs, most notably Hush and A Death In The Family. Still, it’s an enjoyable read in and of itself, and was even turned into an animated film starring John DiMaggio (Bender from Futurama) as Joker.

Speaking of Hush, this comic is widely regarded as one of DC’s best, and for good reason. Similar to The Long Halloween (another entry on this list), Hush plays with the concept of a mysterious, unknown villain showing up in Gotham and toying with both Batman and his villains. Sounds kind of like the Arkham Knight, don’t you think? The ending is … not great, but there are still lots of fantastic individual moments that make up for it, not to mention the foundation it sets up for characters like Red Hood.

Spoilers for those who haven’t played Arkham City yet: By the end of that game, the Joker lies dead. While you might think that would be a relief to the citizens of Gotham and her vigilante protector, it’s actually made things more difficult. Villains that previously warred against one another no longer have the Clown Prince of Crime getting in their way and stirring up trouble, and so they have formed a more unified front. The Secret Six comics also address such a concept, though with smaller-name rogues. Still, to see what the bad guys can do when they stop fighting each other, check this one out.

What does Harley Quinn do when her “puddin’” isn’t there to boss her around? Why, she teams up with other villains and goes on suicide missions for the government, of course. The Suicide Squad comics band together unlikely allies and put them work toward a greater goal, not unlike Villains United. The difference here is that the squad, while not exactly led by Quinn, nonetheless features her in a prominent position of power, unshackled by her love for Mr. J. Expect the same in Arkham Knight.

We’re not sure what role anti-hero Azrael will play in Arkham Knight, but we see him briefly in trailers and hear him warn Batman that “dark days are here” along with other prophetic musings. Azrael is an interesting character who has served as friend, foe, even replacement to Batman, and the Sword of Azrael story gives the best idea about his personality and motivations.

The Arkham games have come to be known for their grittier portrayal of Batman and his world, and fans have come to love this more serious take on the Dark Knight. If you’re the sort where you not only enjoy Rocksteady’s twisted vision but wish there were more Batman stories that ventured into the darker corners of storytelling, check out Grant Morrison’s A Serious House on Serious Earth, which incidentally inspired the original Arkham Asylum game. A fair warning though: this story is not for the faint of heart.

Almost every villain and their mom seems poised to make an appearance in Arkham Knight, and the same can be said of this tale set during Batman’s early years of crimefighting. In The Long Halloween, a new villain appears and begins a murder spree of one victim per month. Calendar Man knows who the mysterious killer is, but won’t tell good ol’ Bruce, instead forcing him on a hunt throughout the city which is being torn apart by mob violence. Similarly, in Arkham Knight, Gotham is falling apart at the seams as a new bad guy - the Arkham Knight - comes to town.

Dark Victory is the direct follow-up to Long Halloween, and is just as good, if not better in some ways, than its older sibling. Once again featuring appearances from seemingly everyone in Batman’s rogues gallery, Dark Victory tells a fascinating tale of the escalation of violence in Gotham and its intimate connection to Batman. Essentially, Dark Victory makes us wonder if things would be as bad in Gotham as they are if Batman had never come along. On that note, one has to wonder if the Arkham Knight would have orchestrated his rise to power if it hadn’t been for Bruce giving him someone to fight against.

It’s hard to see the Arkham Knight as anything other than a dark mirror to Batman. Where Batman uses non-lethal force and is joined by a handful of friends and family, the Arkham Knight dispenses violent, deadly force using not only himself but a literal army of goons. In many ways, the Arkham Knight is probably what Batman would become if Bruce ever lost control, and that’s precisely what begins to happen in Batman: Ego, as a broken mind battles itself for control of its body’s future. Part action, part psychological thriller, Ego makes us see what would happen if Batman’s symbolic presence were twisted into something more vicious.

Batman: Arkham Knight is set to be Rocksteady’s final outing with tall, dark and brooding (that’s you, Bats). Although it’s sure to be action-packed, it also feels a bit like saying goodbye; a memoriam, if you will. Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader by Neil Gaiman is of a similar tone, as the story opens on the funeral for Gotham’s protector. Why is Batman a legend? This story will tell you, show you, and convince you.

Girl Robin. Batman beats up Superman. The animated version has Bats voiced by Peter Weller, AKA Robocop. It probably will have no parallels to Arkham Knight, but it’s really freaking good and you should totally read it.

WHERE'S RACHEL?? WHERE'S THE TRIGGER?? Er ... ahem. Sorry, got a bit carried away there. Anyway, those are our suggestions for the best DC universe comics to prep for Batman: Arkham Knight, but we're always open to suggestions! Let us know your favorite Bat-comics in the comments!

Brave Tank Hero Arrives This August, E3 2015 Screens

Added: 20.06.2015 21:28 | 4 views | 0 comments

Paradise City has been invaded, and it#039;s up to you, brave soldier, to help take the city back

Tags: City, Brave, Help, Tale

Batman: Arkham Knight Review

Added: 19.06.2015 14:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

"A clean shot to the head," drones the villain known as Arkham Knight. "That's all it will take." At every opportunity, the Knight speaks of the horrific deeds he might perform, doing his best to drive fear into Batman's heart throughout the open-world adventure game that features his name. Scarecrow similarly trades on Batman's doubts, attempting to convince the troubled hero of his own impotence at every turn. "All eyes, all hopes upon a man who fails his friends," calls out Scarecrow through Gotham's public networks, reminding Bruce Wayne that he, too, bears responsibility for the losses his loved ones endure.

Batman is a troubled hero, and past Arkham games haven't shied away from exploring his dark side. Arkham Knight is no exception: the caped crusader growls his way through one confrontation after another in which he must question his role in Gotham's current crisis. We've seen these themes before, many times over, and Batman: Arkham Knight's villains repeat them ad nauseum, as if you weren't already choking on heavy-handed metaphors at every turn. It's fortunate, then, that Arkham Knight, for all its ham-fisted storytelling and frequent returns to well-trod ground, features the qualities developer Rocksteady has infused its previous games with: superb production values, hard-hitting combat, and a wonderful sense of freedom as you soar above the skies of Gotham.

Hey, it's the Batmobile! Over and over!

Scarecrow, Arkham Knight, and the legacy of the now-dead Joker loom large over this freedom. There is another, more surprising obstacle which you must overcome if you wish to retain your ownership of Gotham's skies, however: the Batmobile. For the first time in this series, you can leap into the iconic vehicle and zoom down the streets, drifting around tight turns and pursuing key vehicles as they speed away. The driving itself is slick and satisfying, as long as you can overlook Rocksteady's tendency to wrest away camera control to show you some dramatic sight or another. Yet there's no beating the incredible rush of using your line launcher to fling yourself through the sky--and it's worth mentioning that taking to the air is usually faster than settling behind the wheel. As a result, Arkham Knight is constantly trying to justify the Batmobile's presence, forcing it upon you at nearly every opportunity.

Particularly in the latter third of the story, you're frequently forced to take part in vehicular battles against remotely manned drones. When you first engage in this kind of combat, which turns the Batmobile into an agile tank, it's a delight. You strafe from side to side, sliding the vehicle into safe areas between the visible lines that indicate the path of incoming enemy rockets. All the while, you fire your cannons at the drones and use small fire to eliminate missiles fired upon you; the dark sky lights up during these battles, giving vehicular combat an initial spark, and making you the director of a spectacularly violent fireworks display.

Gameplay utilizes Batman's excellent detective skills. His orphan skills go underutilized, however.

But in spite of the upgrades the Batmobile earns over time--EMP blasts, the ability to hack enemy drones, and so forth--the Batmobile battles never become teresting, just more monotonous, as they seem to go on forever. The story's final hours succumb to a series of same-ish battles that play out more or less like the last, lending an air of tedium to what should be the game's most poignant surprises. The Batmobile is also the centerpiece of a number of mediocre boss encounters, all manner of puzzles, boring cat-and-mouse games with superpowered tanks, and even some of the Riddler's many optional challenges scattered across the city. Don't be surprised should you end up muttering to yourself, "Too. Much. Batmobile."

Arkham Knight is at its best when you are given the freedom of movement you both need and deserve. What a treat it is to look down upon this beautiful and derelict city as you glide through the thick, black air. Gotham has been deserted by most citizenry due to Scarecrow's most recent threat to release a hallucinogenic toxin into the streets, making the clouded heavens and the stoic statues all the more imposing. The bat-symbol cuts an impressive silhouette in the sky, drawing you towards your next mission objective--and the objective itself may be a structure like the grandiose Panessa Movie Studios, where climbing ivy and guardian statues warn you of potential danger.

Arkham Knight is constantly trying to justify the Batmobile's presence, forcing it upon you at nearly every opportunity.

Everyone loves a good crane-moving puzzle.

Then again, this is a story about a billionaire in a bat suit, so perhaps there is only so much plausibility to be expected. It might be hard to believe Batman isn't sending men to the morgue during Arkham Knight's melee battles, but the series' rhythmic hand-to-hand combat continues to set the bar high. Batman is a frightening, almost otherworldly creature as he tumbles and slides from one target to another, and his fists exhibit the raw power of any hammer or club. Stealth combat sequences, which offer astounding flexibility in how you approach enemies, are as good as ever. Slinking through vents, taking down a goon, and zipping away is as rewarding as it is to sabotage your armed foes with your disruptor rifle, causing their weapons to malfunction and leaving their owners open to attack. Smart level design and a large array of gadgets--a remote electrical charge, a machine that emulates villains' voices, a hacking device, and so forth--keep each predator room as interesting as the last.

Batman's many talents give rise to a terrific amount of variety. He is a scientist and a detective in addition to being Gotham's scowling savior; he has a computer that knows the answers to every imaginable question (except the ones that drive the plot, of course); and he possesses the memory of an elephant rather than a bat--a nice skill to have when solving the murder mystery that serves as one of the game's better side plots. Arkham Knight finds great ways of incorporating these talents into gameplay. For instance, you re-create a kidnapping by activating the returning bat-vision mode and scouring the street for clues. The crime's events are then depicted on screen, allowing you to forward and reverse through them at will in your search for answers.

Poison Ivy is dressed for success, and like almost every one of Arkham Knight's female characters, is in need of rescue.

Puzzles like this are clever, and the related tasks, such as scanning a corpse's tissue to find anomalies, make you feel like an active participant in a real forensic analysis. The game constantly digresses, asking you to team up with comrades like Nightwing and Robin to deliver cooperative beatdowns, and to perform all number of secondary missions, which incorporate villains like Penguin, Two-Face, and Firefly. Some set pieces, such as one in which you defuse a set of bombs as a villain stands on a rotating platform, are particularly noteworthy for smart use of camera angles, and for the way the gameplay assists in characterization, teaching you about the miscreants at hand not just through dialogue and plotting, but through the way you interact with them.

Arkham Knight is loaded with villains, actually, including the one that gives the game its name: Arkham Knight himself. His identity is meant to be the game's greatest mystery, but conspicuous foreshadowing, and a reliance on age-old storytelling cliches, make every reveal as surprising as the time The Mighty Ducks won that big hockey game. There are some tense story beats and moving events, but your two primary goals--to stop Scarecrow's evil toxin plot, and to confront and unmask the Arkham Knight--are too predictable to be compelling.

Pow! Crunch! Whiff! Harumph!

What Batman: Arkham Knight does well, however, it does really well. Gotham is a dazzling playground where neon lights pierce through the rain and mist; all it takes is a single glimpse to tell you that this is a city in need. Moreover, many individual elements are so carefully constructed, and presented with such flair, that appreciation is the only reasonable reaction. Yet most of these elements--excellent acting, wonderful animations, moody soundtrack--are ones that Batman: Arkham City also excelled in, making Arkham Knight's missteps all the more noticeable. Rather than escape the pull of the games that spawned it, The Bat's newest adventure refines the fundamentals; it is a safe but satisfying return to the world's most tormented megalopolis.


Batman: Arkham Knight Review

Added: 19.06.2015 14:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

"A clean shot to the head," drones the villain known as Arkham Knight. "That's all it will take." At every opportunity, the Knight speaks of the horrific deeds he might perform, doing his best to drive fear into Batman's heart throughout the open-world adventure game that features his name. Scarecrow similarly trades on Batman's doubts, attempting to convince the troubled hero of his own impotence at every turn. "All eyes, all hopes upon a man who fails his friends," calls out Scarecrow through Gotham's public networks, reminding Bruce Wayne that he, too, bears responsibility for the losses his loved ones endure.

Batman is a troubled hero, and past Arkham games haven't shied away from exploring his dark side. Arkham Knight is no exception: the caped crusader growls his way through one confrontation after another in which he must question his role in Gotham's current crisis. We've seen these themes before, many times over, and Batman: Arkham Knight's villains repeat them ad nauseum, as if you weren't already choking on heavy-handed metaphors at every turn. It's fortunate, then, that Arkham Knight, for all its ham-fisted storytelling and frequent returns to well-trod ground, features the qualities developer Rocksteady has infused its previous games with: superb production values, hard-hitting combat, and a wonderful sense of freedom as you soar above the skies of Gotham.

Hey, it's the Batmobile! Over and over!

Scarecrow, Arkham Knight, and the legacy of the now-dead Joker loom large over this freedom. There is another, more surprising obstacle which you must overcome if you wish to retain your ownership of Gotham's skies, however: the Batmobile. For the first time in this series, you can leap into the iconic vehicle and zoom down the streets, drifting around tight turns and pursuing key vehicles as they speed away. The driving itself is slick and satisfying, as long as you can overlook Rocksteady's tendency to wrest away camera control to show you some dramatic sight or another. Yet there's no beating the incredible rush of using your line launcher to fling yourself through the sky--and it's worth mentioning that taking to the air is usually faster than settling behind the wheel. As a result, Arkham Knight is constantly trying to justify the Batmobile's presence, forcing it upon you at nearly every opportunity.

Particularly in the latter third of the story, you're frequently forced to take part in vehicular battles against remotely manned drones. When you first engage in this kind of combat, which turns the Batmobile into an agile tank, it's a delight. You strafe from side to side, sliding the vehicle into safe areas between the visible lines that indicate the path of incoming enemy rockets. All the while, you fire your cannons at the drones and use small fire to eliminate missiles fired upon you; the dark sky lights up during these battles, giving vehicular combat an initial spark, and making you the director of a spectacularly violent fireworks display.

Gameplay utilizes Batman's excellent detective skills. His orphan skills go underutilized, however.

But in spite of the upgrades the Batmobile earns over time--EMP blasts, the ability to hack enemy drones, and so forth--the Batmobile battles never become teresting, just more monotonous, as they seem to go on forever. The story's final hours succumb to a series of same-ish battles that play out more or less like the last, lending an air of tedium to what should be the game's most poignant surprises. The Batmobile is also the centerpiece of a number of mediocre boss encounters, all manner of puzzles, boring cat-and-mouse games with superpowered tanks, and even some of the Riddler's many optional challenges scattered across the city. Don't be surprised should you end up muttering to yourself, "Too. Much. Batmobile."

Arkham Knight is at its best when you are given the freedom of movement you both need and deserve. What a treat it is to look down upon this beautiful and derelict city as you glide through the thick, black air. Gotham has been deserted by most citizenry due to Scarecrow's most recent threat to release a hallucinogenic toxin into the streets, making the clouded heavens and the stoic statues all the more imposing. The bat-symbol cuts an impressive silhouette in the sky, drawing you towards your next mission objective--and the objective itself may be a structure like the grandiose Panessa Movie Studios, where climbing ivy and guardian statues warn you of potential danger.

Arkham Knight is constantly trying to justify the Batmobile's presence, forcing it upon you at nearly every opportunity.

Everyone loves a good crane-moving puzzle.

Then again, this is a story about a billionaire in a bat suit, so perhaps there is only so much plausibility to be expected. It might be hard to believe Batman isn't sending men to the morgue during Arkham Knight's melee battles, but the series' rhythmic hand-to-hand combat continues to set the bar high. Batman is a frightening, almost otherworldly creature as he tumbles and slides from one target to another, and his fists exhibit the raw power of any hammer or club. Stealth combat sequences, which offer astounding flexibility in how you approach enemies, are as good as ever. Slinking through vents, taking down a goon, and zipping away is as rewarding as it is to sabotage your armed foes with your disruptor rifle, causing their weapons to malfunction and leaving their owners open to attack. Smart level design and a large array of gadgets--a remote electrical charge, a machine that emulates villains' voices, a hacking device, and so forth--keep each predator room as interesting as the last.

Batman's many talents give rise to a terrific amount of variety. He is a scientist and a detective in addition to being Gotham's scowling savior; he has a computer that knows the answers to every imaginable question (except the ones that drive the plot, of course); and he possesses the memory of an elephant rather than a bat--a nice skill to have when solving the murder mystery that serves as one of the game's better side plots. Arkham Knight finds great ways of incorporating these talents into gameplay. For instance, you re-create a kidnapping by activating the returning bat-vision mode and scouring the street for clues. The crime's events are then depicted on screen, allowing you to forward and reverse through them at will in your search for answers.

Poison Ivy is dressed for success, and like almost every one of Arkham Knight's female characters, is in need of rescue.

Puzzles like this are clever, and the related tasks, such as scanning a corpse's tissue to find anomalies, make you feel like an active participant in a real forensic analysis. The game constantly digresses, asking you to team up with comrades like Nightwing and Robin to deliver cooperative beatdowns, and to perform all number of secondary missions, which incorporate villains like Penguin, Two-Face, and Firefly. Some set pieces, such as one in which you defuse a set of bombs as a villain stands on a rotating platform, are particularly noteworthy for smart use of camera angles, and for the way the gameplay assists in characterization, teaching you about the miscreants at hand not just through dialogue and plotting, but through the way you interact with them.

Arkham Knight is loaded with villains, actually, including the one that gives the game its name: Arkham Knight himself. His identity is meant to be the game's greatest mystery, but conspicuous foreshadowing, and a reliance on age-old storytelling cliches, make every reveal as surprising as the time The Mighty Ducks won that big hockey game. There are some tense story beats and moving events, but your two primary goals--to stop Scarecrow's evil toxin plot, and to confront and unmask the Arkham Knight--are too predictable to be compelling.

Pow! Crunch! Whiff! Harumph!

What Batman: Arkham Knight does well, however, it does really well. Gotham is a dazzling playground where neon lights pierce through the rain and mist; all it takes is a single glimpse to tell you that this is a city in need. Moreover, many individual elements are so carefully constructed, and presented with such flair, that appreciation is the only reasonable reaction. Yet most of these elements--excellent acting, wonderful animations, moody soundtrack--are ones that Batman: Arkham City also excelled in, making Arkham Knight's missteps all the more noticeable. Rather than escape the pull of the games that spawned it, The Bat's newest adventure refines the fundamentals; it is a safe but satisfying return to the world's most tormented megalopolis.


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