Feature: The Short Life And Untimely Death Of Robotech: Crystal Dreams
Added: 05.10.2013 14:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Designer and developer Doug Lanford talks about the unreleased N64 title
| Crystal Caves Patch 1.0a
Added: 30.09.2013 19:19 | 4 views | 0 comments
Enjoy the newest patch for the game Crystal Caves. Collect all the crystals and have fun!
| Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Endgame Review
Added: 25.09.2013 18:00 | 17 views | 0 comments

I identify most MMORPGs as a three-act play: the early-hour grind that features tedious quests, the middle-hour grind that often does away with those tiresome quests, and the endgame that rewards players with tough challenges and badass weapons. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn follows that structure, which means the experience improves as it goes along. The late-game content doesn't necessarily do enough to change my overall opinion of the game, and the breadth of current content is a bit light, but what's there stands out as fun and rewarding.
One of the truly bright spots throughout FFXIV is its group-focused dungeons, and that continues to be reinforced as players slowly approach the level cap (50). Groups must coordinate even more since the challenge of each new undiscovered dungeon ramps up considerably. The bosses in particular grow even more devious as they mix up tactics in an effort to thwart each party's efforts. But those boss fights sure are a lot of fun, and the thrill of victory and the sense of camaraderie that comes from it remains one of FFXIV's strongest traits. I just wish there were even more of these moments near the end of the game.
As it stands, there are four dungeons for level 50 players, two of which require eight players. Perhaps it's unrealistic on my part, but I hoped to see more. In addition, there is just a single raid in the game: The Binding Coil of Bahamut. This treacherous, multi-part obstacle features a series of "turns," each with its own boss. Think of it as a gauntlet of the most terrifying dungeons out there. Masochists will love the challenge, and simply unlocking the area also takes some effort because it involves beating three of the game's Primals on hard mode.
Another option for players upon reaching level 50 and satisfying certain prerequisites is the relic quest, a lengthy journey with an appropriately awesome reward. There will be a lot of running around and plenty of epic battles (that includes encounters with Primals), but players receive their job's ultimate weapon in the process. I've always been a sucker for cool weapons, especially in MMORPGs, so let's just say I'm a fan of the relic quest.
I didn't mention PvP at all because... well, there's no PvP right now. But the team behind Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is currently working on the 2.1 update, which features a ton of new content. That includes a 24-player raid dungeon call The Crystal Tower (Final Fantasy III fans will know it well), and a PvP area called The Wolves' Den. Oh, and we can't forget the addition of player housing—the Animal Crossing fan in me wants to jump for joy! Even though the current endgame content in FFXIV should satisfy fans in terms of pure enjoyment, it will be nice to see even more options for high-level players in the near future.
Tags: Evil, Thief, Another, Fantasy, There, Code, Final, Tower, Final Fantasy, Crystal, Ground, Animal, Ready, Crossing, Animal Crossing, Reborn
| Final Fantasy XIV Gets Details and Screenshots for Housing, PvP, New Dungeons, Lightning Crossover
Added: 22.09.2013 10:22 | 6 views | 0 comments
Today Square Enix held the second part of the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Tokyo Game Show Letter from the Producer Live with Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida answering questions from the fan and giving information on the Binding Coil of Bahamuth dungeon, the Crystal Tower raid dungeon, player housing and more.
Tags: Gain, Gear, Live, Fantasy, Shop, Code, Today, Screenshots, Square, Final, Tower, Enix, Final Fantasy, Square Enix, Crystal, Director, Ready, Fantasy XX2, Reborn
| Tomb Raider: Lara Croft as a Frame for Future Protagonists
Added: 15.09.2013 3:22 | 18 views | 0 comments
GP writer Marcus Estrada examines the character of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider and how Crystal Dynamics made her a more real character than others such as Nathan Drake.
| LOTRO: Helm's Deep expansion out November 18
Added: 12.09.2013 15:18 | 7 views | 0 comments
Fifth expansion for aging MMO releasing this fall; Base and Premium versions available for pre-purchase beginning today. 
The fifth expansion for free-to-play massively multiplayer online role-playing game --will launch on November 18, publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced today.
The expansion is now available for pre-purchase through the $60 Premium Edition and $40 Base Edition. The Base Edition includes all Helm's Deep content, as well as the Hauberk of the Hammerhead chest piece, title of Helm's Enforcer, and 1,000 Turbine points.
The Premium Edition packs in the Armor of Hammerhand armor, an additional 10 quest log slots, Crystal of Remembrance (adds one additional legacy to legendary weapons), titles Helm's Enforcer and Helm's Avenger, and 2,000 Turbine points.
In addition, all Lord of the Rings Online: Helm's Deep pre-purchases will receive the Shield of Hammerhand (+25 percent experience) and the Steed of the Hammerhand, an exclusive Rohirrim mount with matching War-Steed appearance. These bonuses can be used immediately in the game.
The Lord of the Rings Online: Helm's Deep expansion, as its name suggests, brings players to the Battle for Helm's Deep. Players can enlist as a soldier in the Battle of the Hornburg as early as level 10 and earn rewards--win or lose.
The expansion also introduces new landscapes across the Western Rohan lands, including the Westemnet of Rohan, Edoras, Dunharrow, and the Hornburg within Helm's Deep.
The Helm's Deep expansion also increases the level cap from 85 to 95 and introduces new skills and updated class specializations. In the content, players will encounter Aragorn, &EĂłowyn, and &EĂłomer as they help restore King Th&eĂłoden to his throne.
For more on the expansion, check out .
Helm's Deep is the fifth expansion for Lord of the Rings Online. It follows (2012).
The game .
Tags: Steve, Dead, Battle, There, Players, Kids, Ball, Lots, Interactive, Crystal, Warner
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