GameEnthus Podcast ep235: Understood or Untamed Callbacks
Added: 17.07.2015 14:15 | 67 views | 0 comments
This week Aaron (@Ind1fference) and Tiny (@Tiny415) are joined by Pam (@Jasyla_) from Cannot Be Tamed and Slider (@Sliderwave) to talk about: Amazon PrimeDay,, ConBravo, The Gaming Historian, Jurassic World, Mad Max Fury Road, Jurassic Park, The Road Warrior, Master Chef Australia, The Real World UK, Gordon Ramsey, Wild Woody, Owl and Mouse Mysteries, San Diego Comic Con, Weird Science, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Flash, The Death of Superman Lives the Movie, Ketchup Potato Chips, Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice trailer, Deadpool trailer, Fantastic Four trailer, Man-Thing, Swamp Thing, Suicide Squad trailer, Attack on Titan trailer, Sense8, Metal Gear Scanlon, Retron 5, Chappie, Rare Replay, District 9, Elysium, Short Circuit, Game Critics, Ant Man, Terminator Genisys, Satoru Iwata, Kick and Fennick, The Fall, The Witcher 3, Hand of Fate, Parasite Eve, Heroes of the Storm, Ori and the Blind Forest, The Lost Vikings, Batman Arkham Knight, Lego Jurassic Wo...
Tags: Superman, Hack, World, Gain, Gear, Heroes, Daly, Batman, With, Fuse, Shoot, Metal, Metal Gear, Time, Swarm, Food, Kids, Gaming, Deals, Lots, Master, Rage, Roll, Reef, Mouse, Attack, Amazon, Podcast, Cute, York, Arkham, Batman Arkham, Titan, Leaf, Witcher, Deadpool
| Cube Creator 3D to release on July 15 in the Japanese eShop
Added: 13.07.2015 12:15 | 12 views | 0 comments
Arc System Works have announced the release of a new 3DS DL game in Japan, Cube Creator 3D.
| Cute and Sexy Hestia Cosplay by Tomia
Added: 12.07.2015 17:15 | 11 views | 0 comments
MMOsite: "Korean cosplayers are really magnificent; the sexy Spiral Cats group is one of them. Here is one of the team members of Spiral Cats, named Tomia. Today we collect some of her amazing cosplay pictures for the game Blade Soul."
| FFXIV: Alexander Raid The Cuff of the Father Guide
Added: 11.07.2015 20:20 | 73 views | 0 comments
A guide to the second floor of the Alexander Normal raid in Final Fantasy XIV; Heavensward.
| Resident Evil Zeros Evolution From N64 To HD Remaster
Added: 11.07.2015 17:15 | 13 views | 0 comments
Did you know Resident Evil Zero was originally supposed to be a Nintendo 64 game? Halfway through development, Capcom canned the N64 version, which was due in 2000, and started work on the GameCube version that came out in 2002. You can see some of the earliest footage in the video above, which follows Resident Evil Zero's evolution from prototype to HD remaster.
| FFXIV: Alexander Raid The Cuff of the Father Guide
Added: 11.07.2015 14:15 | 119 views | 0 comments
A guide to the second floor of the Alexander Normal raid in Final Fantasy XIV; Heavensward.
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