Battlefield 4 damaged players trust in the series, DICE producer says
Added: 09.10.2014 10:12 | 1 views | 0 comments
According to DICE LA producer, David Sirland, Battlefield 4's problems at launch severely damaged player trust in the franchise, contradicting what EA's CFO Blake Jorgenson said earlier this year.
| Battlefield 4 - Final Stand Release The First To Go The Way DICE Had Envisioned
Added: 09.10.2014 9:12 | 0 views | 0 comments
MP1st - In the coming months, Developer DICE LA hopes to turn things around for EAs flagship shooter, Battlefield 4, now known rather unfortunately for its unstable and often bug-filled patch and DLC launches.
| Battlefield 4's Buggy Launch Ruined Player Trust, Says DICE
Added: 08.10.2014 22:34 | 16 views | 0 comments
 Unfortunately, Battlefield 4 became a prime example of how not to release AAA titles that need fixing and patching before being put into the hands of the general public. A producer at DICE has finally acknowledged this.
| Battlefield 4 - Game Server Update September 30th Detailed
Added: 01.10.2014 6:12 | 3 views | 0 comments
DICE has revealed the changelog for todays Battlefield 4 update.
| Battlefield 4 Patch Launches Today, Brings Loads of Fixes
Added: 30.09.2014 17:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Rejoice, Battlefield fans. The long awaited (and totally massive) "fall patch" for Battlefield 4 is rolling out today.
The announcement was made on the official Battlefield Twitter account:
Battlefield 4 has been a rough experience for multiplayer gamers ever since it launched back in October of last year. It's crazy to think this game is nearly a year old and still suffering from so many issues. Fortunately, it looks like the folks over at Visceral Games are doing all they can to not repeat the mistakes of EA and DICE when Battlefield Hardline launches next year.
| Massive Battlefield 4 update rolling out on all platforms
Added: 30.09.2014 12:27 | 2 views | 0 comments
Latest patch makes significant changes to DICE's shooter. DICE is now rolling out Battlefield 4's autumn update.
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