Massive Battlefield 4 update rolling out on all platforms
Added: 30.09.2014 12:27 | 2 views | 0 comments
Latest patch makes significant changes to DICE's shooter. DICE is now rolling out Battlefield 4's autumn update.
| Ex-DICE Dev On EA's Influence On DICE, Battlefield 4's Launch Problems Frostbite Mod Tools
Added: 29.09.2014 16:19 | 6 views | 0 comments
In a Reddit IAMA, Tim stormonster Kjell, a 26 year old Swedish Game Designer that worked on games like Battlefield, Mirrors Edge, Frostbite, Medal of Honor and more, answered a lot of questions surrounding the games hes been involved with. In addition, Tim talked a bit about EAs influence on DICE, the launch issues that Battlefield 4 faced, and offered an explanation as to why we have not received any mod tools for all Frostbite-powered games.
| Don't buy Battlefield: Hardline at launch, says ex-DICE designer - "wait for the reviews"
Added: 29.09.2014 13:40 | 6 views | 0 comments
Best not to "throw money at promises that have yet to be proven.".
Ex-Battlefield designer and current eSports coach Tim Kjell has just completed an AMA on Reddit, in which he writes at length about his work at DICE, EA's track record as the internet's favoured bogeyman, the thinking behind Battlefield 3's class changes and much more besides. There's an interesting series of thoughts on Battlefield 4's notorious bugginess at launch, and the likelihood of Battlefield: Hardline enjoying a similarly rough landing.
| Review: Spikey Walls (Wii U eShop) | 8 Bit Forward
Added: 25.09.2014 6:12 | 3 views | 0 comments
The one man team of RCMADIAX has been hitting up the Wii U eShop frequently this past year, with budget titles like BLOK DROP U providing quick bursts of fun at a low price. The latest game to release is SPIKEY WALLS, a simplistic yet addicitng auto-scrolling platformer of sorts.
| Batman: Arkham Knight, Project CARS The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - NVIDIA Graphical Features Revealed
Added: 20.09.2014 7:12 | 8 views | 0 comments
DSOGaming writes: "Yesterday, we informed you about the exclusive PC features that will be implemented in Far Cry 4 and Assassins Creed: Unity. Well, today weve got some additional titles that will benefit from NVIDIAs GameWorks. According to slides from NVIDIAs event, Batman: Arkham Knight, Project CARS, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel."
| NVIDIA Maxwell GTX 980 Performance - 15% Faster Than R9 290X, GTX 970 10% Faster Than R9 290
Added: 18.09.2014 16:12 | 46 views | 0 comments
This first performance review of NVIDIAs Maxwell based GeForce GTX 980 and GeForce GTX 970 graphics cards have been leaked. The review was leaked over at Expreview however it has since been removed but we were able to grab most of the performance slides to show you the performance comparisons between NVIDIAs new and improved Maxwell core architecture versus GK110 and Hawaii.
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