Monday, 24 February 2025
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Upcoming BF4 Tweaks To Improve Objective Play, People Play Too Much On The K/D, Says Producer

Added: 10.10.2014 8:12 | 0 views | 0 comments

MP1st - In the coming weeks and months, the Battlefield team at DICE LA is not only heads down finishing up Battlefield 4s fifth expansion, Final Stand, but is also undertaking a new initiative that aims to inspire Battlefield gamers to more efficiently play the objective. DICE LA Producer David Sirland took a moment to explain to us a few of the ways the studio hopes to accomplish this.


Is 2014 the Most Disappointing Holiday Gaming Season Ever?

Added: 10.10.2014 3:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

"2014 was shaping up to be easily the greatest holiday gaming season we had ever had. It was full of titles that had great promise, anticipation, replay value, and so much more. So, what happened? How did this holiday season turn into the biggest disappointment ever? It all started with big gaming media hyping up certain titles that would never reach the level of expectations we had set for them. That was followed up by developers that lied to all of us on what their games would deliver upon launch. Finally, the holiday season was hit by hackers, delays, and some of the most ridiculous development decisions we've seen." - David Wales, Stealthy Box

Tags: Gaming, Most, David

Battlefield 4 damaged players trust in the series, DICE producer says

Added: 09.10.2014 12:28 | 1 views | 0 comments

According to DICE LA producer, David Sirland, Battlefield 4's problems at launch severely damaged player trust in the franchise, contradicting what EA's CFO Blake Jorgenson said earlier this year.


Hatsune Miku Performs on Letterman, Crowd Goes Mild

Added: 09.10.2014 8:12 | 7 views | 0 comments

David Letterman tends to draw some of the most unique musical performances, whether it's The Vines' self-imploding on stage or Future Islands showing how incredible they are. Perhaps no "artist" they've featured has ever been as bold as video game star Hatsune Miku.


An Ode To The Only Twin Peaks Game In The World. Sort Of

Added: 08.10.2014 23:12 | 14 views | 0 comments

In 1990, David Lynch went crazy, unleashed the mystery program Twin Peaks upon an unsuspecting world, and television was never the same again. The amount of influence the series has had on television thereafter is incalculable. Almost all modern programs following a dramatic serial formatfrom Breaking Bad to Game of Thronesowes something to the lunatic pioneering techniques of David Lynch and Mark Frost when they teamed up to tell the death of a small town girl named Laura Palmer and chronicled the efforts to uncover her killer. Now, just in time for the in-program prediction that things would pick up again in 25 years, David Lynch has announced that Twin Peaks will make a return to airwaves by 2016, 25 years after the end of the series conclusion in 1991.

Tags: Onto, Mask, Gain, David, Soul

Nintendo's 125 Greatest Games Broken Down

Added: 08.10.2014 14:12 | 21 views | 0 comments

Justin Davis Ryan Palmer - To celebrate Nintendo's 125th anniversary, IGN recently compiled a list of what we think are the 125 greatest Nintendo games ever made. There isn't any other company that has a game library with the depth and breadth of Nintendo's. The big N has been in the console space for three decades, has dominated handheld gaming since the Game Boy, and even left and important mark on the early arcade scene. Many gamers might flippantly accuse Nintendo of being all Mario and Zelda. But if you look closer, you'll see Nintendo studios are also behind Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, F-Zero, Rhythm Heaven, Earthbound, Pikmin, Punch-Out!!, and plenty credible gaming experiences.


Bomb Scare "Not Aimed at Gearbox" [Update]

Added: 08.10.2014 10:54 | 1 views | 0 comments

Image Credit: Randy Pitchford

Update: Local police officials do not believe Gearbox was the target of a bomb threat that occurred outside the company's studio last week.

On October 4, a police department in Texas received a call suggesting a bomb may have been planted in a parking lot which is adjoined to Gearbox's headquarters.

Though this led to suspicions that Gearbox was the target of a hoax, investigators do not appear convinced.

"We received a tip that there was a bomb of some sort," said David Tilley, the information officer for the Plano Police Department.

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