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The Greatest Movie Weapons Of All Time, Ranked

Added: 17.07.2015 0:35 | 38 views | 0 comments

15. The Death Star

That's no moon. It's a space station—a space station that houses the greatest weapon in the galaxy. The Death Star has the power to destroy whole worlds in a single burst from its superlaser. Princess Leia learns that the hard way when Governor Tarkin orders the destruction of her home world, Alderaan. But thanks to her brother’s connection to the Force, and a crucial design flaw in the Death Star’s plans, the Empire loses its greatest power. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

14. Dirty Harry’s Revolver

No punk should feel lucky to face a .44 Magnum pistol, especially when it's in the hands of antihero cop Dirty Harry. The Smith & Wesson Model 29 revolver remains popular after famously debuting in the hands of Clint Eastwood’s gritty action star. (Photo by: Warner Bros.)

13. The Ghostbusters’ Proton Packs

Fine: It’s more containment device than full-on weapon. Just don’t call the proton pack a toy—at least in front of Egon. When there’s something strange in your neighborhood, the Ghostbusters don their proton packs to suck up unseemly ghouls. With a half-life of 5,000 years, the packs are the best long-term defense against the immortal dead. (Photo by: Columbia Pictures)

12. The Noisy Cricket

Despite its comically tiny size, The Noisy Cricket packs quite a punch against the most aggressive aliens. At first, Agent J is disappointed to receive the small gun, given the massive MIB arsenal. Little does he know how powerfully it can shoot ... or how far the recoil can throw him backwards. (Photo by: Columbia Pictures)

11. Beatrix Kiddo’s Katana

In the hands of The Bride/Beatrix Kiddo, the samurai sword illustrates exactly why she is also known as Black Mamba. The former assassin takes her vengeance to a legendary level at the House of Blue Leaves thanks to her "Japanese steel." The Crazy 88 never stand a chance. (Photo by: Miramax Films)

10. Thor’s Hammer

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." Mjolnir isn’t just a fancy hammer. It’s quite literally what makes Thor, Thor. Imbuing the worthy Asgardian with the ability to fly and direct bolts of electricity, Mjolnir’s also pretty good at just plain hammering. When Thor and Captain America join forces with their respective awesome weapons, as they did in Avengers: Age of Ultron, no HYDRA agent can stop them. (Photo by: Zade Rosenthal/Marvel)

9. Bruce Lee

Martial arts action movie legend Bruce Lee popularized nunchucks on the silver screen, but the most imposing weapon he shows off in his films is his own unadorned body. Despite starring in only a handful of kung fu films, his onscreen skills show that no one can match the hands and feet he was born with. (Photo by: Orange Sky Golden Harvest Entertainment)

8. Indiana Jones’ Whip

Indy without his whip is just any old archaeologist with a cool hat. The globe-trotting adventurer uses his bullwhip to evade booby traps, climb out of sticky situations, and fight off bad guys. Then again, sometimes a regular ol’ gun works in a pinch against sinister sword-wielding men. (Photo by: Lucasfilm Ltd.)

7. Sting

Featured in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies, Sting is Bilbo Baggins’s trusty Elvish blade, which glows blue when orcs and goblins are near. It may be just a dagger for men and elves, but for a hobbit, Sting is the perfect sword. Wielded by Bilbo, Frodo, and even Sam, Sting plays a crucial role in ensuring the defeat of the evil Sauron and the One Ring. (Photo by: Warner Bros.)

6. Identity Disc

You have to hand it to Tron and Tron: Legacy: They may not win any screenwriting accolades, but they sure have awesome gadgets. The multifunction Identity Disc or Light Disc isn’t just a sleek throwing weapon and gaming device. It’s also the soul of the Program who wields it. They’re like weaponized smart phones; they do it all! (Photo credit by: Disney)

5. Scarface’s Machine Gun

Scarface’s little friend is anything but amicable. The M-16A1 equipped with a grenade launcher allows the Miami drug kingpin Tony Montana to go out in a blaze of glory on his terms. (Photo by: Universal Pictures)

4. The Elder Wand

While all of the wands in the Wizarding World hold an innumerable power, at least for Muggles, it is the legendary Elder Wand that stands above all the rest. One of the Deathly Hallows, legend has it that it’s the most powerful wand ever created. (Photo by: Warner Bros.)

3. Captain America’s Shield

Not to be confused with S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America’s shield is just as iconic as the superhero who wields it. Made from near indestructible vibranium metal, the shield serves as the perfect defense for a near-indestructible hero. In the hands of Steve Rogers, the shield can also reflect back energy from collisions and bounce around as a giant flying discus—much to every villain’s chagrin. (Photo by: Zade Rosenthal/Marvel)

2. Katniss Everdeen’s Bow And Arrow

Katniss Everdeen takes matters into her own hands, hunting for her family’s survival and defending herself when fighting in the Hunger Games. Her skill with the bow and arrow also marks her as an inspiration for the people of the Districts as a symbol against the totalitarian Capitol. (Photo by Murray Close/Lionsgate)

1. All the lightsabers

The combination of an unforgettable sound effect with an illuminated sword that can cut through anything and anyone makes for one of the most badass movie weapons ever. Blue, green, red, or purple—every lightsaber tells something about the warrior. Even the most critically panned of the Star Wars movies, The Phantom Menace, features mind-blowing laser sword moments starring Darth Maul’s double-bladed red lightsaber. (Photo by: Corbis/Lucasfilm Ltd.)


Death God University Releases In A Broken State

Added: 16.07.2015 23:15 | 24 views | 0 comments

ASidCast: "First of all, let us get a few things out of the way. This isnt a review per say but rather a first impressions of the game. Also that, Ive a pretty decent PC that comprises of 8 GB of Ram, a GTX 760, a 4th Gen i5 processor and a 720p monitor. So having a game like Death God University crash repeatedly is something that shouldnt be happening on my PC at all. And its not just me, several other people are also reporting that the game is crashing after the tutorial in the Steam forums of the game."


What the Death of Satoru Iwata Could Mean For Gaming

Added: 16.07.2015 6:15 | 13 views | 0 comments

Recently the industry lost a man who was no stranger to both passion and controversy. With the face of Nintendo-corporate now gone, what kind of fallout can gamers expect to feel from this tragedy? More importantly, where does Nintendo go from here?


X1/PS4 and Amazon Prime Day Deals - IGN Daily Fix

Added: 15.07.2015 22:30 | 21 views | 0 comments

Deal details on Xbox One and PS4 consoles, Far Cry 4, Amazon Prime Day, and more. Naomi takes you through some of the biggest gaming deals of the week!


The Arkham games could#39;ve worked wonders for these forsaken Batman foes

Added: 15.07.2015 18:00 | 35 views | 0 comments

Not every villain who opposes Batman can be as iconic as The Joker or Scarecrow, but that doesn't mean they can't be memorable. When crafting the Arkham games, developer Rocksteady knew just how to make the most out of the Dark Knight's diverse rogues gallery, applying smart redesigns where necessary to match the series' darker, grittier atmosphere. It's impressive when B-list bad guys like Calendar Man or The Mad Hatter can be made menacing, and WB Games Montreal later mimicked Rocksteady's style in Arkham Origins to elevate underachievers like Copperhead and Anarky into worthwhile adversaries.

With the release of to pursue new projects. That means there won't be any in-game criminal makeovers for the legions of forgotten weirdos who've made the mistake of trying to terrorize Gotham. The following villains are generally thought to be some of the least threatening crooks Batman has ever beaten up - but I'd like to think that the patented Arkham style could've scored them a spot on the caped crusader's Most Wanted list. Just imagine the possibilities of fighting the virtual, redone version of someone like...

He's ridiculed because: Poor Crazy Quilt. This petty criminal underwent an experimental procedure to restore his vision after going blind, but the results were less than optimal: Crazy Quilt could see again, but only in a wild kaleidoscope of bright colors. This constant, prismatic assault on the eyes drove him insane. Now, he cavorts around Gotham wearing a garish multicolored costume and a sight-enabling helmet, which can also hypnotize his enemies or zap them with lasers. Try as he might, nobody - least of all Batman - seems to take him seriously.

But in an Arkham game: If you've played , which employs dazzling visual effects that fill the screen with neon and corrupt pixels. Imagine seeing Batman transported into a similarly disorienting, intensely hued world when he's zapped by Crazy Quilt's beams of weaponized color. Given how gorgeous the graphics are in Arkham Knight, this kind of experimental aesthetic could look absolutely stunning.

He's ridiculed because: If you think The Riddler overestimates his own importance, just wait ‘til you meet this toga-clad gangster. Ol' Maximillian here is absolutely convinced he's the reincarnation of the Greek gods' head honcho Zeus, which spurred him to rise up through the ranks of organized crime. Even though he's got no superpowers or inherent strengths to speak of, he's somehow persuaded legions of gun-toting goons to obey his every command. Batman: The Animated Series has him fighting back with a thunderbolt-shaped electric rod, which helps makes his motif seem a little less dorky.

But in an Arkham game: Though he never shows up in-game, the unlockable character bios in Arkham Asylum depict Maxie as a beefcake with a deranged sense of superiority who went haywire after too much electroshock therapy. What if all that shock treatment left him with 10 million volts of electricity surging through his veins, not unlike a certain Metal Gear Solid villain by the name of ? It wouldn't be too much of a leap to think yourself a reincarnated god when you can shoot lightning from your fingertips and flash-fry your enemies in an instant.

He's ridiculed because: When you're a supervillain wearing a white leotard spotted with multicolored polka dots, getting any kind of respect is going to be an uphill battle. But don't judge this crook by his cover, because his power - the ability to morph any of the dots on his suit into a wide assortment of weapons - is actually a legitimate threat.

But in an Arkham game: Arkham's thumpy, trademark brand of fistfighting goes a lot deeper than merely punching and countering, thanks to the variety of enemy types you encounter later on. Throughout the series, Batman has had to deal with rioters, mercenaries, and assassins wielding swords, bats, electrified clubs, miniguns, and remote-controlled drones - but no one soldier combines all the tactics needed to deal with these assorted methods of assault. Enter Polka-Dot Man, who could use his suit to become an all-in-one foe that would demand mastery of all your gadgets and counter techniques to take him down.

He's ridiculed because: You know you're in for a treat when an original character is excessively campy even by 1960s, live-action Batman standards. Played by horror legend Vincent Price, Egghead's shtick is that he's obsessed with eggs. That's pretty much it. He's got a gargantuan bald head, wears a suit of white and yellow, chucks hazardous chicken eggs that can emit radar waves or noxious gas, and makes egg puns at every available opportunity. His greatest peace-disturbing accomplishment was instigating a food fight with Batman and Robin, who then proceeded to smash his face with eggs and fists.

But in an Arkham game: Let's go extra dark and disturbing with this one. Instead of chicken eggs, this twisted Egghead would be obsessed with stem cell research, plundering human embryos from Gotham's hospitals to fuel his own research for developing a genetically perfect henchman. Of course, there'd be many failures along the way - leading to an army of horrific, mutated fetuses viciously crawling at Batman like the . It'd be a scene right up there in the 'mind-warpingly disturbing' department as the infant Crawlers from Dead Space 2.

He's ridiculed because: Just look at him. Charles Brown (likely a reference to the kite-tormented protagonist of the Peanuts comic strip) decided that the best way to distinguish himself in Gotham's crime community was to soar through the air on a gigantic glider and wield miniature kites as projectile weapons. Without any updrafts or wide-open spaces surrounding the things he wishes to steal, Kite Man is completely useless. Unless you feel threatened whenever you hear "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins, Kite Man is about as intimidating as, well, a kite.

But in an Arkham game: Batman's gone up against other high-flyers in the Arkham series, like Firefly and [minor Arkham Knight spoiler redacted], but they've never involved any test of your combat abilities. The AR flight challenges push your cape-gliding skills to their limits, but their presentation is simply boring. A fight against Kite Man could address both problems, testing your capacity for sharp aerial maneuvers while you fistfight in midair, weaving between Gotham's skyscrapers and divebombing to avoid Kite Man's attacks.

He's ridiculed because: Just as Bizarro is the polar opposite of Superman, Batzarro is the cartoonish negative of the Dark Knight. For starters, he wields dual pistols (which he may have used to shoot his own parents), calls himself the World's Worst Detective, and... has fangs and no eyes, for some reason. In an amusing flip of Batman's constant inner monologuing, Batzarro usually just blurts out whatever he's thinking (all styled with the same grating 'opposite day logic' as Bizarro-speak). Unfortunately, he's a little too goofy for many readers' tastes.

But in an Arkham game: The Arkham series rarely gets to flex its humorous muscles - but as your exchangers with The Riddler (and, on occasion, The Joker) prove, there's value to having bits of laugh-out-loud comedy amidst all the doom and gloom. As with his counterpart Bizarro, Batzarro's more unpredictable than outright evil, causing chaos whenever he tries to assist his idol Batman. Battling Batzarro could be a boss fight where you have to subdue him and a group of thugs before he kills them in an attempt to help out, all while he spouts ludicrous, laughable dialogue.

He's ridiculed because: Ever see a kid getting picked on because they take too much pride in their fancy calculator? Calculator (the Batman villain) takes that kind of regrettable preoccupation with number-crunching to the nth degree. His master plan revolved around preliminary failure: Calculator would dress up like a TI-83, get beaten to a pulp by various superheroes, then use his costume to analyze the do-gooder's fighting style in the hopes that he'd outsmart them the second time around. Unfortunately for his schemes, those calculations never seemed to pan out.

But in an Arkham game: Calculator has turned his criminal life around in the comics as of late, ditching the geeky getup for a job as a tech-savvy information broker and hacker for the criminal underworld. That effectively makes him the evil equivalent of Batman's close ally Oracle, who plays an important role in the Arkham games. Going up against an in-game Calculator might involve counter-hacking his attempts to take over the Batcomputer, assisting Oracle to help shut him out or misdirect the Calculator away from crucial intelligence related to the Dark Knight's next move.

He's ridiculed because: With a name like that, you might be expecting a terrifying Grim Reaper type who wields a scythe, but no - he's just a guy dressed like a skeleton who's really good at playing dead. By inducing a full-body yoga trance, Lord Death Man can fake his own passing, which apparently aids him in committing crimes. Then, somehow, he developed the power to actually reanimate himself after taking fatal damage. Though he's not much of a supervillain, you've got to give him points for sheer willpower.

But in an Arkham game: Lord Death Man's unique ability could push Batman to the limits of his 'no killing' rule (even more than running over thugs on the streets of Arkham Knight). LDM could create a scenario in which Batman would have no choice but to inflict lethal harm in order to prevent further calamity, forcing the Dark Knight to 'kill' him with the knowledge that it wouldn't take (this is actually something that The Joker has tried in the past). It'd also make for a pretty memorable 'Gotcha!' moment when Lord Death Man miraculously shows up later in the game.

Amazon Prime Day Launching at Midnight, Video Game Deals Live

Added: 15.07.2015 13:15 | 16 views | 0 comments

Hawtwired: "Amazon is beginning to list some of the upcoming deals as part of their July 15th Amazon Prime Day! While the list is early, more is set to come. Here are the initial deals."


Video Game Deals of the Week 07/15 Update from Amazon and Others (US)

Added: 15.07.2015 13:15 | 73 views | 0 comments

Today, Amazon are unveiling their "Prime Day" event, with claims that this will be a bigger day than Black Friday in terms of sales for Amazon Prime member. This is a sale for many categories, but video games are part of the deal. Other deals are still going on even if you're not prime: Soul Sacrifice (PS Vita) is $19.84 (50% off), Dragon Age Inquisition is $19.99 on ps4 (67% off), Dying Light is $30.16 (50% off). Those of you who miss their very first console can get this Classic NES Controller (for PC) for $6.32. Amazon also have a Xbox One Halo Master Chief bundle w/ an extra controller + Assassin's Creed Black Flag for $349. (eBay have the Xbox One Assassin's Creed Unity bundle for $319) The humble bundle for Video Game makers is still going on, with $1985 worth of software for the price of your choice. On Steam,the Midweek Madness sale is 80% off the Gothic Arcania Franchise. The NA PSN have a Knockout Sale, with discounts on Fight game franchises (Mortal Kombat X, To...


Amazon Prime Day Launching at Midnight, Video Game Deals Live

Added: 15.07.2015 13:15 | 12 views | 0 comments

Hawtwired: "Amazon is beginning to list some of the upcoming deals as part of their July 15th Amazon Prime Day! While the list is early, more is set to come. Here are the initial deals."


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